Usually when people say they wanna be a writer they really don't wanna do anything except, ya know, eat and masturbate.


Okay seriously, I cannot believe I have a friend who signed a book deal, it's so adult and intriguing.


Hey what are you doing here only 12 minutes late?

Ray [to Hannah]

She keeps saying she has news, but I bet she just wrote a blog post or found a new hot dog or something.


Hannah: You don't know what a pistachio is?
Hannah's Idol: It's like a little penis.

I could really be putting myself in a Ted Bundy situation. He also looked handsome, clean...and probably had a brownstone. Okay.


Please don't tell anyone this, but I wanna be happy.


What the f*ck you guys looking at? Go back to your panda videos before I turn off the wi-fi.


I'm a miracle. I'm a unicorn. I'm a fucking needle in the haystack and you're just some fucking dumb hipster who's munching my hay!

Thomas John [to Jessa]

I'm tired of being polite. You're a fucking stepford psycho and I'm tired of seeing you around everyone.

Audrey [to Marnie]

It's like having a clit in your butt.


What's a butt plug?


Girls Season 2 Quotes

I should probably wait until he's capable of wiping himself.


I'm sorry I have a boner. It's not for you.

Elijah [to Hannah]