Adam: I thought you said he was gay.
Hannah: Well I don't know now. He had gay apps on his iPhone and liked to show his ankles but what does that even mean in this day and age?

It's just crazy that you don't know the depth of someone's power until their funeral. It's so sad.


Caroline: You know medication did make me feel less.
Hannah: It did?
Carolina: Yeah.
Hannah: See that’s really not good for a writer.
Caroline: Yeah but it’s really good for a person. It’s too exhausting feeling all that. I mean God, I would d wake up happy, eat breakfast despondent, wonder about eternity on the walk to work, then feel comfortably numb for hours. It was just too much the rollercoaster of it all. I wanted to die.

Fancy people want to work with me, so I’m gonna give them that pleasure and I’m gonna go work with them. So fuck you both, have a nice day, enjoy the rest of the video.


Hannah: So I lost a friend yesterday, a close friend.
Ray: Marnie finally decide to throw in the towel?

If you died the world would blur. I wouldn’t know what a tree was.


I feel like my bandana collection is like my most developed collection.


I just hope when I die that I don’t see it coming. I hope I’m already dead and then 5 minutes later I’m like what the fuck? Just happened.


It's definitely my genetic material.

Adam [about the tooth necklace]

Hello my name is Marnie Michaels. I am prominently featured in many of Hannah's essays.


I leave my body during sex. It's called disassociation. It's an anxiety symptom.


It's really amazing that all three of you have accomplished so little in the four year since college.


Girls Season 3 Quotes

I feel like I hold the keys to the prison that is my mind.


I have uh, I have trouble with confrontation.
