[to Will] Are we actually going to sing or are you about to announce an alumnus walking through the door?


Shut up, Dreidel. This is between Butt Chin and me!


Sue: Well, according to my doomsday watch, it's precisely one minute to midnight. The final chapter of World War Glee.
Will: And it all begins when I trip you on stage.

My name is Mercedes Jones and I don't have a lot of friends at this school. I mean, it's not like I get picked on and folks are nice, I guess, but there sure are a lot of white folks here at McKinley. I mean, there is that one black kid but he's real boring. I'm a star at my church where everybody knows I got a big ass voice, but here? I'm just a nobody. But that's all gonna change real soon.


Rachel Berry, you are officially on notice. Wherever your voice can go, mine will be there too.


My name is Tina Cohen Chang and you don't care. I am wildly unpopular but I love being unpopular. I'm trying to be unpopular because I am goth and goths have no time for cliche, bougie high school cliques. We are the anti-clique.


My name is Artie Abrams and I'm in love with Tina Cohen Chang. She's not only sexy as hell, she also treats me like a real person.


So far, my time at McKinley has sucked, but...not this week. I made some friends, and that's always been really hard for me. I don't know what's gonna happen with this club, but maybe it'll be something special. Maybe it'll be somewhere safe where we can learn from each other and be who we are, including people who are different than us. When we look back on our time here we should be proud for what we did and who we included.


I'm so proud of you, Will. It has been quite a journey to get to this place and you've made it the whole way without losing your integrity. Except for those days when you were rapping.


Sam: New York's not my speed. It's too fast, it's too loud, there's too many sports teams so I get confused on who I'm supposed to root for.
Blaine: We just root for whoever's winning.

Blaine: Well, looks like we're all right where we belong.
Will: I wouldn't have it any other way.

What decade are you from? I’m not afraid of you. You’re just a bunch of cowards!


Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
