Annie- If we don't use guns, is it really even a crime?
Ruby- Yeah.

Ruby- Just because other girls do crazy, stupid ass stuff doesn't make it okay. You wouldn't do those things so why in the hell would you do this?
Sarah- They used to make fun of the oxygen tank weirdo. Now they don't. I'm dope.
Ruby- Stealing doesn't make you dope, Sarah. It just makes you a dope.

Ruby- She's been missing that thug life!

Beth- It's that kid or us.

Dean- Okay. Are you a drug lord? Are you running a prostitution ring?
Beth- Don't you wish.

Beth- You can't just bail when things get bad.
Ruby- Things got bad the second we took down that grocery store.

Annie- I just want my kid back, ya know?

Stan- I thought we was living here a little.
Ruby- Yeah, a little. Not like Jay and Bey.

Ruby- You know what else I got? I have a new theory on money.
Stan- Tell me.
Ruby- It's like a boomerang. If you throw it out there, it's gonna come back.

Beth [to Rio]- And don't ever point a gun at me again.

Annie- Dude, we've been laundering fake money for a street gang.
Ruby- So?
Annie- So, it's not a college internship. We can't be like 'Thanks, bye. I learned so much'. There is no getting out.

Annie- Just call us the mailman.
Ruby- Why?
Annie- Cuz we deliver.

Good Girls Season 1 Quotes

You're like a Stepford mom without a pulse.

Annie [to Beth]

Ruby: So when you wanna do this?
Annie: Well I already bought three automatics and filed off the serial numbers. So, really, name a day.