Beth- Go big or go home, right?

Beth- When women support other women, incredible things happen.

Annie- Just call us the mailman.
Ruby- Why?
Annie- Cuz we deliver.

Rio- This ain't the girls scouts. You can't give the cookies back.
Ruby- Aren't you worried about the FBI?
Rio- Nah.
Annie- See!

Agent Turner- Mrs. Boland, just be careful who you bring into your home.
Beth- I'm tougher than I look.

Rio [to Beth]- Listen, in my line of work, if you don't have the FBI on your back, then you ain't making noise.

Annie- Are you slut-shaming me?
Beth- I'm just plain shaming you.
Annie- You are on the wrong side of history, trust me.

Beth- Rio.
Annie- Okay.
Beth- His names Rio.
Ruby- Oh, is his name Rio?

Beth- Two car seats, plus a booster seat. What's that going to set me back, like six hundred bucks?
Annie- Maybe he'll realize and bring em back.
Ruby- That's not how carjacking works.

Rio- You get paid when you do a job. Did you do a job?
Beth- He left.
Rio- Then that's on you.

Ruby [to teenage boy]- I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand basic human decency. And how to treat anyone, especially service people with respect.
Tony- She doesn't mean that.
Ruby- No, I do. I am one sorry bitch.

Annie- Are people like pulling your pants down?
Sadie- They want to know what I am.

Good Girls Season 1 Quotes

You're like a Stepford mom without a pulse.

Annie [to Beth]

Ruby: So when you wanna do this?
Annie: Well I already bought three automatics and filed off the serial numbers. So, really, name a day.