Annie- Don't hold the wheel like that.
Beth- How am I holding it?
Annie- Like you already have the drugs up your butt.

Ruby [to Annie]- In the middle of rush hour traffic, you want to blow up a car?

Beth-No, I'm going to need to hear you say it.
Rio- We're good.

Beth- You guys, he said if we do this, he'll forget about the money. And we're done. It's over.
Ruby- What if we don't?
Beth- That didn't seem like an option.

Beth: Who do we know?
Annie: To rob?
Ruby: To ask for money, Annie!

Ruby: You are an incredible liar.
Annie: Right?
Beth: Thank you.

Y'all are already getting charged for kidnapping. We mine as well ransom his ass, too.


Annie: He knows about the store.
Beth: He was going to the cops.
Ruby: Does he know about the gang, too?
Annie: Hell no, that's way above his pay grade. He's like the definition of middle management.

Beth: Are we going to lose the house?
Dean: No. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe. We might. We could lose everything.

Annie: You know, I'm just not really much of a church person.
Boomer: You're definitely a stuck up bitch.

Cause every man in the world thinks he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants.


I robbed a grocery store.


Good Girls Season 1 Quotes

You're like a Stepford mom without a pulse.

Annie [to Beth]

Ruby: So when you wanna do this?
Annie: Well I already bought three automatics and filed off the serial numbers. So, really, name a day.