Gael: I'm not sure how I feel about not being part of the pregnancy.
Callie: Right. It's not like you're together. I get wanting to co-parent the baby but co-pregnancy?
Gael: Well, she still needs support, and there's doctor's appointments and parenting classes.
Callie: What you're going to do six months of parenting classes? It sounds like she has a friend who wants to offer her support it doesn't have to all be on you unless that's how you want it.
Gael: It doesn't sound like that's how you want it.
Callie: I don't have a say in how I want it.
Gael: But clearly it affects you. I guess I was wondering when your real feelings were going to come out. Callie: Well my real feelings is that this is none of my business, and I had a really stressful day, and I would really love for us to have five minutes where we're not talking about Isabella, or the baby, or your mother.

Gina: I wanted to apologize for the way Claire's been acting.
Mariana: Look, I don't expect to be forgiven overnight or to be partner again, although that would be great. What I really want is to make amends. I miss you guys. You're my friends.
Gina: I think it's harder for Claire because of the whole Raj thing.
Mariana: But Raj set this whole thing up. He wanted me to work here.
Gina: I know, but I'm pretty sure that Claire thinks you cheated on Raj with Evan and forgiving you would somehow mean betraying Raj.

Davia: Solomon is gunning for me, which is fine. It's worth it. Better I take the heat than the kids.
Gael: Have you talked to Matt about this?
Davia: I can't go running to Matt with every little problem I have.
Gael: Why not?
Davia: Because I feel like the closer I get to Matt the further I get from Dennis.

Alice: I messed up. I felt awful that you lost your job and I didn't want to reject you, but in the light of day, I don't think my heart is in this anymore. I'm sorry.
Ruby: It's okay. I'm just kicking myself for being too afraid when my heart was in it.
Alice: I hope we can still be friends.
Ruby: Of course, what kind of lesbians would we be if we didn't stay friends after breaking up?

Zelda: By the way, I heard about another female start-up doing something similar to BB, and I hear they're looking for a project leader. if you're interested, I can put in a word.
Mariana: Oh, I just started at BB.
Zelda: I get that, but to be honest, I don't think the girls appreciate what kind of asset you are, and life's too short to sit around while your talents are being wasted.

Gael: So, um, the reason I wanted to talk to you guys is that I'm going to be a father.
Mrs. Martinez: We didn't even know you had a girlfriend.
Mr. Martinez: The way I knew that this bisexual thing was a phase.
Gael: I'm still bisexual, and she's not my girlfriend.

I can work with the truth, it's the lies that come back to bite you in the ass.


Davia: The real reason I bailed on lunch is because I have an eating disorder, and I thought I was past all of this, but I recently lost some weight and um, I've been getting some positive comments on my body again, the kind that I used to get when I was underweight and it triggered some old behaviors like idsolating myself and lying about eating. I even scrolled through some photos from when I was sick and for a minute I really missed that body. And I started to think that it wasn't as bad as everyone thogutt, and I could be sick and still be happy. Then I remembered how lonely and painful it felt. I don't want that life again.
Matt: I -
Davia: You don't have to do or say anything, I wanted to tell you to hold myself accountable. Because I trust you.

Gael: Have you heard from your folks?
Isabella: I sent them a copy of the ultrasound and they didn't respond.
Gael: I'm sorry, that's just so screwed up.
Isabella: Maybe when the baby's born they'll come around, but my parents' love has always been conditional, so maybe it's best that they aren't in my baby's life, or mine.

Our job is to make sure that no one goes to prison without due process. I admire that you want to believe in the people that you care about, but everybody is going to disappoint you at some point. Good people do bad things sometimes. It doesn't make them irredeemable.


Malika: So do you get a queer vibe from her?
Tanya: Do you get a queer vibe?
Malika: I don't know. I mean she asked me to go on a hike, but I was kinda wondering if it was a date.
Tanya: What if it was? Would you be open to that?
Malika: I mean I've never dated a woman, but I guess I wouldn't be closed to it if the chemistry was there.

Considering your ethical fluidity, sounds like you landed in the right job.


Good Trouble Season 3 Quotes

Malika: This is all getting too real. I'm scared. 
Coworker: Just breathe. It's OK to be scared. This shit is scary, but you have a team.

I'm really sorry for all the things I said to you. You weren't a mistake.
