Julien: I'm going to be more real, more honest, more vulnerable.
Monet: Vulnerability is the disease for the masses.

Starting here, starting now, I'm going clean, free — effortlessly me.


Might as well get on board with the new world order.


Kate: We need a fall guy.
Rebecca: What about a fall gay?

If he's not going to fuck me, I'm going to fuck with him.


Luna: Is this an amber alert?
Woman: Your phone is ringing.

Nick: Don't blame your sister for this.
Zoya: Oh, now she's my sister?
Davis: Of course she is.

Rafa: I don't fuck my students.
Max: I'll top then.

I need to talk to Gossip Girl.


You need to smite her, smite her now,


So I was thinking about what we could do this Friday — oh shoot, did I forget to ask you out?


Hello, followers. Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source for the truth behind the scandalous lies of New York's elite. Been a minute. Did you miss me? I know I've missed you. Though you're probably going to wish I'd stayed away when I'm done. Because I can see you. Not the you you've oh-so-carefully curated. The real you. The one hiding just outside the edge of frame. Well, it's time to reframe that picture. You've gotten away with everything a little too long. Now that I'm back I'm going to feature your finstas, surface those subtweets, and crack your caches. You can't hide from me. Never could.

Gossip Girl (2021) Season 1 Quotes

I just got fucking fired.


When I was a student, we lived under constant threat. People like Nate [Archibald] were scared straight. It was this thing that started freshman year, called itself Gossip Girl. Kind of like an Orwellian Big Sister that kept tabs on the students it deemed important. If she knew your secrets, and she always did, she told them. She kept us all accountable. People thought it was me, but it was actually one of my classmates, Dan Humphrey. It was ridiculous. I wouldn’t even read it.
