I trust that Captain Gordon and Mr. Fox will see that no harm comes to me. But, even if it does, maybe by facing Jerome, I can show the people of Gotham that standing up to terror is the only way to take its power away.


All my life I have known that I was meant for more. That there was something deep inside of me that I couldn't explain.


Ladies and Gentlemen we are the Arkham Asylum Lunatics and we're about your blow your minds.


He scares the living hell out of me.


It's time to give this city the boost it needs. It's time to stop taking ourselves so seriously. I mean, c'mon, Gotham. What do you have to lose? Except your sanity?


You blame me for everything that's going on in your life but the truth is, Jerome, you were born bad.


If I ever see you again, I'll pop your head off like a flower.


The people have spoken, and my name is The Riddler.


Don't bother going to security. They're all headless.


Lose the weirdo. She's giving me the heebie jeebies.


Go over there and be big Jim Gordon. Hero cop. It's what they need -- even if it is a lie.


Soon the bells will toll, Jim. How many more will go cold, Jim? Like your soul, Jim?


Gotham Quotes

You have been very useful, and us arrogant physicians have much to learn from a madman like you. But not much.

Professor Strange

Ed: Barbara, do you even remember how amazing you were?
Barbara: I'm still amazing. I just made a choice.