These people have come from all over to speak for Meredith.


Do we have another lady or is it just two lesbian moms and a widow at Seattle's most romantic restaurant?


Oh, screw beautiful. I'm brilliant. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.


Jackson, uh, he likes you. I know. I know what that looks like. He likes you. He has feelings for you.


SImone: My mom died. She died when I was born, in this hospital, so I haven't been here since then.
Webber: Since you were born.
Simone: I haven't been here since the birth of me killed my mother somewhere in one of these rooms, which is why I was late the first day, it had nothing to do with the tornado, I had a panic attack, and then I saw the colors of the walls I've been picturing this place my whole life. When I think of my mother and the walls are beige, and I get here and they're blue, it's disorienting, disappointing. I got it wrong all this time.
Webber: Well,t hey only painted the walls blue a few years ago. You got it right. S
imone: Makes me feel so much better. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Webber.

[narrating] "To make it -- really make it -- as a surgeon, it takes major commitment. We have to be willing to pick up that scalpel and make a cut that may or may not do more damage than good. It's all about being committed, because if we're not? We have no business picking up that scalpel in the first place."


Swinder: The test impaired your memory to such a degree that I have to strongly recommend that you don't have the surgery.
Derek: Izzie, the test was the worst case scenario. The result has nothing to do with the surgery.
Swinder: We don't know that.
Derek: But what I do know is that not operating is every bit as risky as the surgery itself. If not more. But, it's up to you.
Izzie: What do you think?
Alex: I think he's talking to you, not me.
Derek: I'll leave you two alone to discuss this.
Alex: Ah, I'll come with you. I have a couple of questions.
Izzie: Wait, Alex.
Alex: Think about what you want to do for a second, ok? I'll be right back.
(everyone but Mer leaves the room. Mer closes the door)
Meredith: You are not having the surgery!

I'm glad he's getting laid. I should be getting laid. My work suffers when I'm not. It's bad for humanity.


CRISTINA: "We crossed the line. Together. I crossed the line with you."
PRESTON: "You dragged me across the line. You made us a team. You told Shepherd I was fine. You said nobody has to know. I was out there on my own. You made us a team.
CRISTINA: "I did what you needed me to do. You were standing there looking at me telling me your whole life was your hands, if you couldn't operate, if you couldn't be Preston Burke."
PRESTON: "That was your concern, not mine!"

Mark: More suits? It's freaking people out. There's talk of downsizing, corporate take overs, rumors that Webber's jumping ship. You've got the Chief's ear. What's he got planned?
Derek: He's retiring. They're making me Chief.
Mark: No!
Derek: Yeah.
Mark: Really?
Derek: Yeah...
Mark: Really?
Derek: Yep.
Mark: Wow.
Derek: Mhm.
Mark: I mean, the Chief never said anything to me. I would have fought you hard for that. Well, I guess if that's what he wants, I guess congratulations are in order. (Derek laughs) Wait... that was... You're messing with me!
Derek: It's just too easy.
Mark: Oh, you've got a mean streak. You know that?
Derek: Yeah.
Mark: Mean! Seriously, what's going on?
Derek: I have no idea.

My affection for you has nothing to do with your mother.


Don't question my medical decisions.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
