Alex: You know, I was Mer this morning, and I was thinking, we've been through hell. You know, all kinds of drama. Crazy family stuff, we both almost died. losing people we loved.
Jo: No, you're not losing me.
Alex: The point is we grew up. Mer and I are grown up. We got through it. And hell behind me, it's in my rear view mirror and I'm not going back, I'm done. I'm not some idiot kid any more, Jo, I'm a man. I'm done with games, and I'm done with crazy.

Teddy: Do we know if he's OK?
Owen: Not sure, this is him.
Helm: I just saw him two days ago and he was fine.

Sometimes the future changes quickly and completely, and we’re left with only the choice of what to do next. We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant.


Saul loved men, he loved me for decades. But there was something inside of him that wouldn't let him. I would have married him. I would have built a life with him. But I couldn't allow myself to live a life with someone who hated himself for loving me.


[to Izzie] "You have no idea what I have lost!"


Alison: Is he dead? Did I kill him?
Miranda: Oh no,no, you didn't do anything.
Alison: Please, tell me I killed him.

Meredith: Well, you wanted a surgery.
Cristina: Putting a bicycle pump inside a man's junk is not surgery. (Mer laughs) It's punishment.
Meredith: Well at least you don't have to be laid up in bed for the next month. You'd better tell me all the gossip about the Mercy West people. I want all the gory details.
Cristina: Yeah, yeah.
Meredith: Am I stupid for doing this?
Cristina: No.
Meredith: Really?
Cristina: You get to save your dad's life tonight.

I'm so in love that I don't care who gets hurt. I just don't want it to be me.... I'm not a terrible person, I'm just a person terribly in love.


Jo: He takes the truth and he twists it to fit his own story.
Meredith: You are Jo Wilson, I know exactly who you are.

I thought I knew all of the nurses on this floor. How did I miss you?


Jo: I will talk to you when I'm ready to talk to you, and if you ever threaten to go to Pittsburgh again, I will leave you. Are we clear?
Alex: If you ever come to work drunk again I will tell Bailey.
Jo: Great, we have a deal.

End the relationship or you don't get the lungs.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
