You know what, if you are going to call me names, call me names to my face!


Mrs. Hunt: Let me ask you this. Are you and Owen back together? I don't know and he won't say.
Amelia: I don't know. We're sort of
Mrs. Raising kids together?

Are Owen and Amelia falling in love or are they just falling back in bed?


Miller: Do you know if she's single? Dr. Pierce?
Miranda: Do I look like your auntie, Miller?

Husband: I went to the restroom. When he's scared he likes to hide.
Maggie: Yeah, he probably gets that from you.

You found out there are good men out there and you dodged a really slow moving bullet.


John: Work is a very forgiving partner but it doesn't --
Meredith: Throw you up against the wall and kiss you.
John: I was going to say scratch your back, but I like yours too.

Betty: I seriously don't understand how you were ever married to her. She's so extra.
Owen: She is a little extra, yeah.

Jo: I don't have sex with you because I want something from the chief. I have sex with you because I want one thing form you: orgasms! And maybe you should tell me when Webber is standing behind me so I don't say things like that.
Webber: You ... paged me, Karev?

I hate people.


Andrew: Carina!
Carina: What?
Andrew: You're a really good sister.

Andy: Dean, really?
Miller: Did you see that woman? Did you see her self-assuredness, her compassion for children, and her very, very nice eyes?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
