Mer: You look like crap.
Hayes: Look whose talking.

Bailey: Can I talk to your mom.
Zola: No, ma'am.
Bailey: And why not?
Zola: Because technically "No" is a complete sentence.

MEREDITH: "How weird is this job?"
GEORGE: "Weird."

You people are trying to kill me.


When people reach out a hand, you don't bite it. Trust me, I did it for years, and the only thing it accomplishes is that people stop reaching out.


I'm here Izz. I'm right here.


Bailey: What did you do to O'Malley?
Owen: Excuse me?
Bailey: Ah, somebody else around here likely to convince someone to join the army, and be a trauma surgeon in Iraq?
Callie: What?
Meredith: The army?
Callie: What?
Meredith: De fib
Owen: Charge the paddles to 360
Bailey: Owen, you have to call and undo this.
Owen: Bailey, little busy here.
Meredith: Clear
Callie: George... George O'Malley!
Owen: It wasn't my idea
Meredith: No change
Owen: Charge again.
Meredith: Clear
Owen: Look, I did what I could to give him a decent education in trauma. I didn't know he was gonna go and enlist.
Meredith: He keeps coding.
Callie: There's Y open book pelvic fractures.
Owen: There's too much bleeding. If we take him to an OR now he'll die on the table.
Callie: He needs to go to angio if we're gonna stop the pelvic arterial bleeding.
Meredith: Sinus tac, we have a rhythm. Barely there, but it's there.
Owen: Let's stabilize the pelvis
Bailey: Look, I know what goes on in this hospital. I know you're messed up from that war and not in a small way. Get him out of it!
Callie: Page me if you need me. I've got other pages.
Mark: How did you piss off all the women?
Owen: Ah, lets get this guy an angio
Meredith: Angio? He's barely got a pulse.
Owen: It's now or never if we want him to live. Alright, lets move. Sir, i know it's really touch, but I'd personally be really grateful if you'd try and stay alive for the next few minutes.

DeLuca: Didn't the lawyer say to lay low?
Mer: Yes, but I don't think I'm capable of that. What?
DeLuca: Nothing. You're just very sexy when you're ready to burn your life down.

Arizona: Do you do this everywhere you go?
Eliza: Do what?
Arizona: Turn the place against you.
Eliza: People don't like change.
Arizona: I know. People like people. So first you try to oust Richard Webber and then you get Meredith Grey suspended
Eliza: Suspended?
Arizona: Yeah, you don't want to make friends around here do you?
Eliza: I..I didn't come here for that.
Arizona: Well then, you're doing a good job.

That goo looks great. I say stick with the goo.


We're hot doctors with babies, they're gonna stare.


PETE: "What’s wrong with flirting?"
ADDISON: "What’s wrong with it? What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that I don’t have time for it. I am out of time. I missed my chance. And now I have two eggs left, I might as well have no eggs left. I am egg-less. Naomi says she’s dried up? I’m the one who's dried up. I’m all barren and dried up. And I’m clearly wasting my time on men. I mean I might as well take up a hobby. Like needlepoint or collecting those ceramic dolls because that’s what dried up women do – they do needlepoint. They don’t waste there time flirting with men who clearly just want to get laid. They don’t waste their time telling overly personal information about their eggs to total strangers. Oh my God. I'm sorry."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
