I want to believe that I'm here on my own merit, but I keep thinking that I'm here because of her and not because I'm supposed to be.


We shouldn't have to hide who were are to practice medicine. Don't resign.


Nick: I told her I loved her, and she pretended not to hear me.
Maggie: She's complicated.
Nick: Yeah.

Just because Meredith has moved, nothing has changed between us. We are still there for each other.


Richard: Catherine, I know something is wrong, and I know that you're trying to protect me, but whatever it is, I'm ready to hear it.
Catherine: My cancer is progressing.

I'm not Glasses anymore.


I wanted to become a surgery because we heal people!


Someone get that intern off my OR floor.


I would've bet money on the other one.


If you bring that hyena home again tonight, I'm sleeping in my van.


Blue: How does he pee?
Lucas: Sideways.

Lucas: So he has bone...
Blue: In his bone.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
