That was so incredibly stupid. It didn't have to end that way. I hate this day. I hate everything about this day.


If there had been a chance, if there had been any hope that he'd live, I would take the shot.


Mer: You didn't say it back.
Nick: I didn't say what back?
Mer I said, "I love you," and you didn't say it back.

She's not easy, I know, but there's also no one like her, and when she leaves, we'll feel it.


Adams, you're good enough to make your own name. Believe me.


Lucas: Some of you have got the wrong idea of me, so I need to clear things up. Truth is Dr. Shepherd, her sister is my mom, so she's my aunt. I'm a Shepherd, and, yeah, that's it.
Amelia: Just to be very clear we are not and have never have been having sex.

Maggie, if we keep working together, we're not going to make it. I love cardio, but I love you more.


Surgical excellence is more than one person. This program is more than one person. You are the program.


You have always been and always will be extraordinary.

Mer [to Zola]

If this is the future, it's bleak.


Women's lives are on the line, and our hands, that are trained to help them, our hands our tied.


Amelia: I don't want people thinking that I am dating my nephew.
Lucas: Just sleeping together.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
