Owen: I don't wanna hurt you again. My problems they're real, and this, this makes us real. It makes my problems your problems. I'm afraid. I don't wanna hurt you again.
Cristina: You can sleep in the bathtub.
Owen: What?

Look, I am an attending. And, I am a single mother. And I lost O'Malley. And um, I just can't. I can't care anymore. Stevens is not my child. O'Malley was not my child. I have to stop treating them... I just have to stop caring so much. 'Cause I can't keep feeling... feeling like this. Not at work. I have to save the feeling for my son, who needs it. I just can't keep giving it away here. I can't. I won't.


Cristina: I... I can't get back on Bailey's service. I mean, she's still not even looking at me.
Owen: Cristina, give it time. I mean, you know, she was closer to O'Malley and she has more...
Cristina: Yeah, I know but she's... it's not even about O'Malley. She's mad at me about Ceviche.
Owen: (laughing) You've gotta stop that.
Dr Wyatt: Ceviche?
Cristina: It's a patient.
Owen: Ah, a boating accident victim. She thinks that it's ok to call her a seafood dish. Is that ok?
Dr Wyatt: Well, it's pretty dark.
Cristina: Oh come on. I'm dark? I'm not the one going around choking people in their sleep.

Alex: Is there some kind of time line on this. Or...
Doctor: Your wife is living with cancer Dr Karev. Right now, the cancer has stopped growing. With a cancer this aggressive, that's pretty stunning success. There's not time line. There's just... we watch it. We wait. We hope it doesn't start to grow again.
Izzie: That's it?
Doctor: That's it.

Lexie: I'm worried about Clara. She's depressed, but like a whole new level of depressed. I don't know what to do.
Cristina: Are you talking about Ceviche?
Lexie: That... (Cristina signs the propeller hitting Clara's stomach) Oh my god! That's... that is so rude. Ceviche? That is so... that... it... that... that's rude. That is SO RUDE!
Cristina: What? Anyone else I can offend?

Meredith: I haven't cried yet. I'm using work and sex as a distraction and I think it's working for me. Have you seen the girl Amanda? She's sitting outside the hospital on that bench all day long. It...
Cristina: I miss sex. UGH! I miss it so much! (Mer gets up to leave) What? Mer!

Richard: Shepherd?
Derek: You're a hard man to track down.
Richard: I'm busy, as you know.
Derek: Yeah, scoping out Mercy West. You planning on jumping ship? 'Cause I assume as a friend you would tell me if there's anything I need to know.
Richard: Those are rumors Derek.
Derek: There are a lot of rumors, and Jennings isn't answering my calls anymore.
Richard: Why are you calling Jennings Derek? I told you I would fill you in when there was something to tell. If you feel the need to go behind my back, at least do...
Derek: Behind your back? Behind your back! I'm the one whose got your back. Don't you forget that.

Lexie: Are you really gay? Like, how gay are you? On a scale of 1 to gay? 'Cause that's my boyfriend in the shower. My hot, hot, naked boyfriend and I... How gay are you?
Callie: I'm sorry. It's... I've known Mark a while and... But, I'll try not to do that again. The naked in the shower thing.
Lexie: Or, the you half naked in the hallway thing. Cause, cause even if you really are gay. He's not, and you're hot.
Callie: He doesn't look at my boobs anymore. The first thing he used to look at when I walked into anywhere, was my boobs. He doesn't look anymore. Not since he met you. Ok?
Lexie: Ok.

Izzie: Whatcha reading?
Alex: I have this patient I'm trying to diagnose. It's driving me nuts.
Izzie: So take a break, I miss you.
Alex: I'm right here.
Izzie: No you're not. You're here, but you're not here. And I miss you.
Alex: Iz, come on. I'm trying to work.
Izzie: I'm wishing for a brain tumor. I'm wishing all the time for a giant tumor that would just press down on my brain and make me hallucinate George. So that I could talk to him again, so I could laugh with him again. I miss him so much. I miss him all the time, and I just want to feel better. Even for a minute you know, I just want to be a person who isn't wishing for a brain tumor. Just for one minute. And, I can't drink because of the cancer meds, I don't do drugs, I can't even work right now. I don't have any distractions. I'm sad, and I miss George. So please, please, come inside and help me feel better.
Alex: "I miss George". Nice. Real seductive.

Derek: OH GOD!
Lexie: Sorry.
Derek: Just... ah... Sorry. Sorry, we're sorry.
Meredith: Sorry!
Derek: Sorry, we'll clean the counter top.
Lexie: Ah, you didn't used to do this before and now it's kind of all the time. Everywhere and I just.
Derek: Well, you know, it's... we're married now and things have changed a little. But, ah, we're sorry about the counter top.
Lexie: Ah, so you guys are. You're really, that it? The post it? That's for real?
Derek: Yeah. That's for real.
(Der shuts the door and laughs)
Lexie: (disgusted) UGH!

Arizona: Oh, I have wine. White and Red, and I have cigarettes. Which is awful I know, but I only smoke on very rare, very occasionally. And, only when I know I'm gonna be in trouble. Like now.
Callie: It was inappropriate. Not to mention manipulative and stupid. You smoke?
Arizona: I know. Listen, I know you have every right to be mad at me but I ran out of options. So...
Callie: It's an expensive test, there was no indication to do it, there was a reason Webber turned you down.
Arizona: So you didn't do it?
Callie: Of course I did it Arizona.
Arizona: Thank you!

Mark: More suits? It's freaking people out. There's talk of downsizing, corporate take overs, rumors that Webber's jumping ship. You've got the Chief's ear. What's he got planned?
Derek: He's retiring. They're making me Chief.
Mark: No!
Derek: Yeah.
Mark: Really?
Derek: Yeah...
Mark: Really?
Derek: Yep.
Mark: Wow.
Derek: Mhm.
Mark: I mean, the Chief never said anything to me. I would have fought you hard for that. Well, I guess if that's what he wants, I guess congratulations are in order. (Derek laughs) Wait... that was... You're messing with me!
Derek: It's just too easy.
Mark: Oh, you've got a mean streak. You know that?
Derek: Yeah.
Mark: Mean! Seriously, what's going on?
Derek: I have no idea.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
