He died. I... George died.


Mark: You want a ride home?
Lexie: I was gonna clean out his locker. Give his stuff to his Mom but, I was a bad friend. To George. I was about as good a friend to him as Clara's friends, who keep sending post cards from the trip she'll never get to take. I just... I... I abandoned him completely. I... I... I just moved out and stopped talking to him. Why? Because, because he didn't think I was as hot I thought he was? Because he... he didn't love me back?
Mark: This may be bad timing but I gotta ask. What did that guy have? I mean, he wasn't much to look at. But, you and Steven's and Torres. Tell the truth. Was he... you know... hung?
Lexie: That's...
Mark: I know, I said bad timing.
Lexie: I...
Mark: But seriously, he was kind of a dorky little dude.
Lexie: Stop! Stop talking (laughing).

Richard: Not now, please. Not now.
Derek: it's been a week. You've been avoiding me.
Richard: Not now.
Derek: I am buying you time you know. I am buying you time.
Richard: You have no idea what I've given. You have no idea what I have sacrificed. For every miscalculation you think you see there have been a hundred things that I have gotten right no one knows.

There is an appointed time for everything. In a time for every affair under the heavens. A time to be born, and a time to die. A time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant. A time to kill, and a time to heal. A time to tear down, and a time to build. A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together. A time to embrace...


Owen: It's not gonna be too much longer. Do you want me to quit therapy?
Cristina: No!
Owen: Mhm.
Cristina: Crap!
Owen: Alright, we've gotta go to O'Malley's funeral anyway.
Cristina: No. I hate funerals. Let's skip it. Ah, we can push up ceviches de-bereavement. That's a good excuse.
Owen: Ceviche?
Cristina: Chopped up fish. Propeller accident. Ceviche. It's funny.
Owen: Right. It's sick!
Cristina: That's what makes it funny.
Owen: We're going to the funeral, come on.

Owen: Woah... you are evil. You are the devil!
Cristina: I am, I am the devil.
Owen: Cristina you know the rules.
Cristina: The rules are stupid.
Owen: Are you saying the shrink's stupid?
Cristina: I'm saying she's a prude. She's prudey and misguided.
Owen: She wants us to get to know each other. She wants me to keep getting to know myself. She does not want me burying myself in you. If we start to have sex, I'll bury myself in you.
Cristina: Oh, now whose evil?

Scrub Nurse: The patient is George O'Malley, 29, procedure is organ recovery for donation. I will call on the receiving surgeons. Kidney's.
Dr #1: St Luke's Children's.
Bailey: Whose it for?
Dr #1: Sorry?
Bailey: Who are his kidney's for?
Dr #1: I gave all that to the nurse:
Bailey: I would like you to tell me.
Dr #1: Molly Kemper, 8 years old, hypo-plastic kidney's.
Bailey: Thank you. Lungs?
Dr #2: Lungs and heart are going to Portland Medical Centre. Terry Class, aged 22. Cystic fibrosis.
Bailey: Liver?

Richard: Did Torres decide about O'Malley? About his organs?
Derek: I don't know.
Richard: I'm gonna see where they are.
Derek: Look Chief I... I know this is the worst possible moment but, we need to talk. The board is planning a coup. They're saying that you've dropped the ball. That our ranking isn't coming up. They wanna oust you. They're asking me to support it. They're asking me to step up to take the job.
Richard: Take my job?
Derek: I told them I'd think about it. I bought you some time, but you need a plan.
Richard: Torres has made a decision.

Derek: Hey.
Meredith: Hey.
Derek: Need to go home?
Meredith: No.
Derek: Did you eat?
Meredith: No.
Derek: Can you eat?
Meredith: No.
Derek: You should cry.
Meredith: No.
Derek: Maybe if you cry you'll feel better.
Meredith: I... you just... just you being here is... and don't say anything. Just be here. That... that helps. How are you?
Alex: Meredith, we need you.
Meredith: Ok, excuse me.

Arizona: I have a kid in there, 15 years old, previously healthy. Has back pain bad enough to cause vomiting. Can you talk it through with me, cause I can't figure out what it is and I think best out loud.
Bailey: Did you not about George O'Malley?
Arizona: I did. It's incredibly sad.
Bailey: I cannot talk to you right now. I cannot work right now.
Arizona: Dr. Bailey, I hear that, and I don't mean to be insensitive but, this kid... this kids still alive. And I don't know what's wrong with him, not a clue. So, I need you to work. I need you to talk through this living patient with me Bailey. Please.
Bailey: How's his neuro exam?
Arizona: Normal.
Bailey: Could it be a compression fracture?
Arizona: Plane films and CT are negative.

Callie: What about his heart?
Izzie: (nods)
Callie: Ok. His eyes? I know... don't wanna imagine him without his eyes.
Izzie: George would give everything. His skin, his eyes, he would give everything.

Izzie: (on phone) George, it's me. You know, I pretty much died not too long ago so I need you to call me back. Please. I know, I played the cancer card. I'm gross. Whatever.
Alex: I need to tell you something, and I need you to not panic. I need you to keep breathing. I need you to stay alive. I swear to god, I need you to stay alive. Alright?
Izzie: Ok.
Alex: O'Malley, he got in an accident. He's brain-dead.
Izzie: I'm sorry, what?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
