Maddie's mom: Wait. Maddie needs to tell her daddy she's sorry before he goes. Maddie, you need to tell your daddy you're sorry. Maddie, people die in surgery. You don't want your daddy to die without telling him how sorry you are. Come on, lets go tell him we love him.
Meredith: You know, no. No!
Maddie's mom: What?
Meredith: Maddie, stay right here ok.
Richard: Dr. Grey.
Meredith: No. She will not go apologize to him. You should be apologizing to her. I understand you're a victim here, but there is no room for you to be a victim when your 6 year old is on the line. She's stronger than you. Your 6 year old is stronger than you. At least she did something. She stood up for the two of you, which is more than you did for her. No, she won't apologize to him.

Mrs Stevens: Ahuh, oh really? Ahuh, really? Oh, yeah, that's great. That's great! Oh, thank you. Yeah, thank you hun. Thanks a million. Oh! Oh, that's great news Cricket. You're gonna be just fine.
Izzie: Oh yeah, let me guess, your psychic told you that.
Mrs Stevens: It's not just any old psychic, he's the best that I've ever heard of. Anyway, he said that skin cancer is highly curable if caught early.
Izzie: Oh that's great. A psychic with internet access. Let me guess how much that call cost you mother... $19.99 a minute.
Mrs Stevens: Well when you have a sick child Cricket, moneys not really the first thing on your mind. You seem like a very capable doctor, Dr. Bailey. Can I trust that you caught my daughter's skin cancer early.
Bailey: Um, well, Mrs. Stevens.
Mrs Stevens: Oh no, Call me Robbie hun.
Izzie: No mom. Don't call her hun. Don't call Bailey hun. You know, if you have questions you can just ask me. She's very busy and this thing I have it's complicated.
Mrs Stevens: I know it's complicated Isobel, I'm not a complete idiot. Now, I saw this thing on Tyra Show. There was this woman who had a mole on her private parts, and the dermatologist did not bother to check her privates 'cause she thought that they gyney would have done it. But, the gyney didn't do it. Maybe she didn't even go to the gyney. I don't know. Anyway, It was bad. She was bald and everything. She did not have a mole on her private parts did she?
Bailey: No, ma'am, no. She did not.
Mrs Stevens: Good.

Richard: How'd it go?
Arizona: Oh, Dr. Grey. If you're free, Maddie here could use a little cleaning and laceration repair 'cause I'm being paged.
Meredith: Absolutely.
Richard: Meredith. Are you ok?
Meredith: I'm great. Thanks (takes Maddie's file) Hey Maddie, I'm Dr. Grey. Mind if I take a look at that cut on your face?
Maddie's Mom: You know, she's so sorry. So sorry.
Maddie: Is my daddy gonna die?
Meredith: I don't know. I hope not.
Maddie: How come?
Meredith: How come what?
Maddie: How come he don't die? I shot him lots'a times. How come he don't die?

Mark: Are you ok? Are you crying?
Lexie: My dad's here.
Mark: Ok.
Lexie: He's here, and he's sober, and I would really like for you to meet him.
Mark: Oh. Oh, um, oh!
Lexie: How 'bout, how 'bout dinner? Tonight. Camparo's at 8?
Mark: Ah, Lexie. Ah, dad's historically do not love me. And, by that I mean when I was a teenage, dad's did not love me. That's the last time I had to meet anyone's dad.
Lexie: I'm crazy about you, and I know that my dad would be too. You have nothing to worry about.
Mark: That's what you said when you told me to meet Derek. Lexie, I'm closer to your dad's age than yours. So, I'm thinking he may not love me so much. You know, what we have is fantastic. Why don't we just keep it for us?

Mrs Stevens: And then you remember Jade, from 114. Well, she had a spot of cancer last year. It was breast cancer. It was such a shame I thought, cos she had such a great rack. God, do you remember what a great rack she had? Oh, you used to do all those little exercises like this to try to get yours to grow like hers.
Izzie: Mom!
Mrs Stevens: Anyway, my point is, Jade, well, she had them cut off. Both of them. Just to be on the safe side. And, they look even better now. For real. Life gave her lemons, and she made cantaloupes. So maybe, I dunno, maybe honey, there's an upside in this for you too. Right?
Izzie: Um, mom, just um, just listen ok? I... I don't have breast cancer. Ok, I have skin cancer. Or, what started out as skin cancer.
Mrs Stevens: Wait, hang on. Skin cancer? Oh, God! Izabel Stevens. Oh, you scared the hell out of me. And then you made me come all the way up here to Seattle just for some ugly old mole. Oh, sweetheart.
Izzie: No, I didn't. Haha, I didn't make you come up here. I ah, I didn't even call you. I'm really... I'm curious, who did? Who called? Who called her? Seriously, who called her?

Thatcher: (reads from a book) I'm so deeply sorry for every time that I ever hurt you, or disappointed you, or let you down. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I hope, I so hope, that you give me the opportunity to earn it.
Meredith: Thank you. Congratulations on... you seem well. Good luck.

Meredith: Hey, you got paged too?
Lexie: Yeah, report to the Chief's office, STAT. What, what do you think? Why? Why would he page us STAT?
Meredith: I don't know. Did we kill anyone lately and don't remember?
Richard: Your father's here. He's 29 days sober, just out of rehab. He's taking it seriously. He's working his steps. The 9th step is to make amends wherever possible. It's the key to an alcoholics recovery. To take responsibility for the wreckage of his past. I paged you here to ask you to please hear him out as a favor to me. To please, hear him out.
Meredith: Ah, I'm covering the pit Chief.
Richard: I'll cover it.
Meredith: But, there's a trauma coming in.
Richard: I've got it Meredith. Please. Please.

Alex: After you.
Mrs. Stevens: Oh, a doctor and a gentleman. Now that's a double yummy. Oh my god whose getting married?
Izzie: Oh my god, mom? What are you doing here?
Alex: Mom?
Mrs. Stevens: Shhh, cricket, you don't want that hot doctor to think I'm old.

Mrs. Stevens: Excuse me doctor. Oh, excuse me young and yummy doctor.
Alex: Can I help you?
Mrs. Stevens: I don't know, can you?
Alex: Are you looking for someone ma'am?
Mrs. Stevens: Oh, gosh, I'm gonna pretend that you didn't just call me ma'am. Because, I have this image of you and me in my head playing doctor, and that just kind of ruined it.
Alex: Ok. I'm gonna go back to work now, but good luck with the... whatever.
Mrs. Stevens: Well, I am looking for a doctor. Gosh, I guess she's a patient now. Ah, Izobel Stevens. I'm um, I'm an old friend.

Mark: I got you a present.
Callie: I told you, you can't give me money. Even if you are a fancy plastic surgeon. I am not your charity case. I am not your mistress. I am your friend, your equal. So...
Mark: It's not money.
Callie: Oh really? 'Cause I was just doing the poor but proud thing for show before I accepted your government cheese.
Mark: It's better than money. Wait. She fell out of a tree and broke all her limbs.
Callie: Oh, that is better.

Callie: Hey, so, I can't afford rent.
Cristina: Owen just told me to "take care now."
Callie: Nice, it's three words.
Arizona: Yeah, it's more than she's getting from any of her family.
Callie: My mom's silent, my ant's silent, my sister Aria... I know. I know how much power my father wields, but, seriously. What am I, invisible? Dead to them? To my mother?
Arizona: You just have to give them some more time.
Cristina: Why can't you just tell them you guys broke up? It's no ones business who you go out with anyway. Right?
Arizona: And I will leave you to ponder that.
Callie: You really I should lie?
Cristina: I really think you should pay rent. But, you know, whatever. Take care now.

Cristina: Oh!
Owen: Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. Take care now.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
