Cristina: I think you and Derek will make it. You will make it work.
Meredith: Are you just telling me what I wanna hear?
Cristina: I'm your person. I am on your side.

Did she tell you that I cried? Because THAT is a lie.


Meredith: If I'm going to do this, and be whole and healthy and be a warm, gooey person who lives with a boy... then I need you on board. I need you to cheer me on. Because you're the only one who knows me. Darkly. Really knows me. I need you to pretend that I can do this even if you don't believe. Because if you abandon me now, I will never make it, and I will never get my happy ending and that's just...
Cristina: Life.
Meredith: I'm saying please here.

Cristina: Mer, why do you care what I think?
Meredith: Because you're my person!

Meredith: I'm sorry about chasing Alex.
Izzie: I forgive you.

Cristina: What do you see?
Intern #1: Hmm. It kinda looks like it's hitting nothing?
Cristina: Oh, it looks like it's hitting nothing. Because it's hitting nothing!
Intern #2: What does that mean?
Cristina: What does that mean, what does that mean?! Don't you know how to read an X-ray?

Lexie: Were you in love with her?
George: I thought I was? I was scared to admit it but I did not that she, uh, did not like me that way, and... I did it anyway. I shouldn't have, because, besides just being... so selfish, to try to make her want me that way, I just ...

George: Like I said I made a lot of mistakes last year, but I'm trying to get back on track, and I gotta do it by myself, so...
Lexie: The only reason I wanted to help is that, um, I... I feel like you and I are more than just ... roommates.
George: We are more than just roommates.
Lexie: We are?
George: Yeah we're friends ... I mean right now I'd probably say you're one of my best friends.

Cristina: I... I... don't even know you.
Owen: So?

Richard: I also heard a story that you constructed an O.R. table from an exploded Humvee in the middle of the desert, is that true?
Owen: Well, you have to be innovative in the middle of the desert.
Richard: You have to be innovative everywhere. How would you like a job, Dr. Hunt?
Owen: I... appreciate the offer, but I have to go back to the sand pit. Finish my tour.

Owen: You'd be good in the field. You've got this battle scar, you'd fit right in.
Cristina: Yeah, right ...
Owen: I'm serious. You should ditch this place. Go for the adventure. You telling me this place gives you a rush? A high?
Cristina: [pauses] Yeah ...

Lexie: What if he doesn't like me back?
Mark: He's an idiot.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
