I would've given my dad my heart if I could. If I could've saved him. I would've given him my heart.


This is going to be so much fun.

Dr. Hahn

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


[narrating] It isn't just surgeons. I don't know anyone who isn't haunted by something or someone. And whether we try to slice the pain away with a scalpel or shove it in the back of a closet ... our efforts usually fail. So the only way we can clear out the cobwebs is to turn a new page or put an old story to rest.... finally, finally to rest.


Happy freakin' Halloween.


Mark: Oh man, you would not believe what just happened to me.
Derek: There is, uh, a kid looking for you.
Mark: What?
Boy: Daddy?
Mark: WHAT?
Derek: Nicely done.
Boy: Thanks.
Mark: I'll be getting you back for that.
Derek: Looking forward to it.

Derek: What did you do?
Mark: I spread the word you were lookin'
Derek: You spread the word I was looking?
Mark: Lookin' ... it sounds much dirtier without the "g."

I heard. About your marriage. And if there’s anything you need me to do, to cheer you up, I’m around. Day or night. Night, in particular.


You gotta love Halloween. All the crazies come out to play.


Derek: It’s a little...
Meredith: It’s not that strange. I mean, I’m trying to figure out how to put her to rest. I can’t shove her in the back of my closet anymore. I have to deal with her. And this is me trying... to evolve. I’m trying here. So, cubby or car?
Derek: You’re asking me if I think you should put your mom’s ashes in your cubby or your car. You don’t think that’s very very strange?
Boy: Are those really your mom’s ashes?
Derek: It’s strange, right? It’s strange.

Derek: What is that?
Meredith: It’s charts.
Derek: Meredith…
Meredith: It’s my mom. I had her in the cubby and she was freaking people out. I was just gonna go put her in the car. Do you think that’s disrespectful? To leave her in the car?

[narrating] There’s a reason surgeons learn to wield scalpels. We like to pretend we’re hard, cold scientists. We like to pretend we're fearless. But the truth is we become surgeons because somewhere deep down we think we can cut away that which haunts us. Weakness, frailty, death.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
