Maggie: I'm not used to this -- being scared like this, worrying like this. They're not even my kids.
Riggs: Well, I get it. They're family. Family messes you up.

Can you *please* do your job and make my life miserable?

Stephanie [to Meredith]

Jackson: You're doing what?
Ben: Something. Something other than literally -- literally watch the clothes dry at my house.

Maggie: Why were you gone long enough for them to unlock a drawer or a closet or whatever and pull out a gun and shoot it? It was your job to keep them safe. It was literally your job.
Stacy the babysitter: And I was doing my job. The boys aren't babies, they're eight. They go off, and they play together. I don't have to watch over them every single second. They're good boys. I should be able to go to the bathroom, or, or warm up some mac 'n cheese without them shooting each other!

Amelia: Do you own a gun?
Owen: No, no. No, I fix bullet holes I don't make them.

I can't help you. There may come a day when I get to have a say in Sofia's life, but that's definitely not now. I'd just make things worse. So all I can say is sorry. That sucks.

Penny [to Callie]

Stephanie: Kyle is in town and he wants to take me to dinner.
Penny: I don't understand your face.
Stephanie: Mm, no, no, I'm not going.
Jo: Why not? Free food with bonus hot guy?

Zola: Why did Aunt Maggie stop having S-E-X with DeLuca?
Meredith: [pause] Because he couldn't handle that she was his B-O-S-S. Do not ever date a man who can't handle your P-O-W-E-R.

Ben: We need to separate this out, um...the chief and Dr. Warren over here, and Ben and Miranda over here. Church and state, okay?
Bailey: Church and state.

Bailey: Church and state! There's a reason it's separated!
Ben: To hell with state!

I don't know if we can fix us, April. I don't know if we should. But I know I don't like who I am turning into. I don't want to treat you... The person who wrote this, who signed this, was your best friend. You were my best friend, April.


Callie: You were right, and thank you.
Arizona: I love being right! What was I right about?

Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Quotes

Stephanie: You're one of the Seattle Grace five.
Arizona: I survived a plane crash. A big deal.
Stephanie: And a car crash. And a shooting. You might be immortal.

You wanna know why bullies bully? It's 'cause they can. Maybe you've got it worse at home or maybe you're just bullying to keep from getting bullied, but really, it's because people like me, like this girl at our table, are alone and small and vulnerable. And pushing us around makes you feel better about your sad pathetic little lives. Not you guys, though. You're cool. Now.
