Richard, war is ugly, senseless, and scary as hell, but there are some things worth going to war over.


Maggie: Hey. I'm inviting all you lovely people over to the house tonight for dinner.
Callie: Oh. Like a -- like a dinner party.
Alex: We're not doing that again.

Stephanie: Oh, god, I haven't had sex in so long.
Jo: I had sex this morning.
Stephanie: [glare]
Jo: I thought we were sharing.

Some men would send flowers. Nasty-ass necrotic bowel resection is nice, too.


Why are all the doctors in this hospital so hot? Seriously. It's like a -- it's like a condition of employment.


Maggie: I am so glad -- not about the patient, about the procurement. It is the perfect excuse to ditch Bailey's budget meeting.
Meredith: I want to ditch Bailey's budget meeting.
Owen: I think we've got it covered.
Meredith: Oh, come on, Owen. It's a budget meeting.

Richard: You are a meddler, a busybody, a helicopter mama, a nosy Nellie, a buttinsky!
Catherine: That is trash talk!
Richard: All up in the bug juice. You don't know the flavor, woman!

I just got to Grey-Sloan. I can barely find the bathrooms.


Jo: Do you think that I'm "resourceful" or "inventive?"
Penny: Mm, put that you're both.
Stephanie: Put that you're annoying when you think out loud.

Why are these spaces so small? These spaces cannot contain how awesome I am.


Amelia: How's DeLuca?
Maggie: He's a...non-issue now. How's Hunt?
Amelia: Also a non-issue.
Maggie [eating kale chips]: What am I eating? I'm gonna need something way less healthy than this.

I almost killed her. [beat] With our sex.


Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Quotes

Stephanie: You're one of the Seattle Grace five.
Arizona: I survived a plane crash. A big deal.
Stephanie: And a car crash. And a shooting. You might be immortal.

You wanna know why bullies bully? It's 'cause they can. Maybe you've got it worse at home or maybe you're just bullying to keep from getting bullied, but really, it's because people like me, like this girl at our table, are alone and small and vulnerable. And pushing us around makes you feel better about your sad pathetic little lives. Not you guys, though. You're cool. Now.
