You do. You know. You should know. You're surgeons. You know what it's like. You -- when you operate, when you control if a person breathes another breath, when -- when you hold their beating heart in your hand, when you are responsible for that life, you don't see or hear or feel anything else. The rest of the world just disappears. You know that. You all do. You can't tell me you don't.

Ben [to the panel]

Ah. It's a good thing I'm not trying to save lives so that I can see that the elevator doors are open.


Was this a mistake, or was it hubris? Did he do his job, or did he overstep? Bailey, I know it's hard being his wife and his boss, but you're the chief now. This is your call. It's your job. Do your job.


Richard: Bailey, we talked about this. As the leader of this surgical staff, you need to take charge of it.
Bailey: As the leader of this surgical staff, I know my limitations. And I know I cannot be impartial about my husband and the future of his career. As a leader, I am taking charge of my lack impartiality by convening an advisory panel to review the matter.

Bailey: No, you saw what you wanted to see. You made a choice that you wanted to make.
Ben: Do you really believe that?
Bailey: What else am I supposed to --?
Ben: Oh, son of a --. I am your damned husband!

What the hell are you two doing? This isn't a movie. Dr. Warren is not here for your entertainment. What is this? Concessions?

Callie [to Cross and another intern]

Surgery is a drug. And operating outside the O.R.? That's mainlining.


Gretchen: Omar had this really boring partner dinner that I agreed to go to because, hello -- night out like a grown up, and three cosmopolitans on board.
Arizona: Aww.
DeLuca: Yikes.

  • Permalink: Yikes.
  • Added:

April: Sorry. I know, I'm ranting. But I don't have anyone to talk to, and I need to talk to someone. And I've been treating you like crap --
Arizona: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You can talk to me, it's fine. I'm here -- for whatever you need, 'cause...we're friends.

Meredith: We're adults. We're going to fight.
Amelia: A lot. I'm annoying.
Meredith She is. But I don't plan on kicking her out anytime soon. So are you good?
Amelia: I'm not homeless. I'm good. Although Maggie is starting to get on my nerves.
Meredith: Agreed. [to Maggie] Well, you wanted sisters. You got 'em.

Ben: You know, it's -- it's not my turn. You're Chief. We need to be here.
Bailey: And you're okay with that?
Ben: Well, it'll be my turn sometime. And when it is, you'll, uh, you'll do the same for me. Right?

Don't speak. Listen. This just...isn't what we do. You tell me when you're in trouble. You don't walk around scared and alone. Not when you have me. Do you hear me? Not when you're having my grandbaby.


Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Quotes

Stephanie: You're one of the Seattle Grace five.
Arizona: I survived a plane crash. A big deal.
Stephanie: And a car crash. And a shooting. You might be immortal.

You wanna know why bullies bully? It's 'cause they can. Maybe you've got it worse at home or maybe you're just bullying to keep from getting bullied, but really, it's because people like me, like this girl at our table, are alone and small and vulnerable. And pushing us around makes you feel better about your sad pathetic little lives. Not you guys, though. You're cool. Now.
