Maggie [about Thorpe]: Stop being the harbinger of doom about it.
Alex: Stop being all "whoo-yay" about it.
Jo: What are we talking about?
Maggie: You just stop.

Alex: If you're going to ditch the guy, you better do it soon.
Maggie: God, would you shut it?
Alex: You shut it.
Meredith: Both of you shut it. Balfour. And I have three children at home, so don't think for a second I don't know you two are making faces right now. Settle in.

Meredith: Wilson, don't you have anything to talk about?
Stephanie: Her engagement ring is still in the drawer in her bedside table.
Cross: Engagement...ring?
Jo: Steph, when was the last time you had sex?

April [to Arizona]: I believe in this stuff, so understand how much I mean it when I tell you: Go to hell.

Owen: I live in a trailer.
Amelia: Yeah, that's something we can talk about.
Owen: You don't like my trailer?
Amelia: No, sure, I also like grown-up houses.

I thought I'd ask you out, but I can't do that if you don't call me back. I thought I'd show up here, ask you. That way, if you wanted to turn me down, you'd have to do it in person. Looking at my very nice face makes it hard to say no.

Thorpe [to Meredith]

Meredith: But, you are what you allow. And if you let them pluck off your shiny little insect wings, they will.
Jo: Um...okay.
Meredith: So don't let them, don't let me. Understood?

I'm not telling him because we have been through enough. Especially him. Because he never got over the last one. He never had the chance to, and I am hanging on to every last shred of faith I have that this time, it'll be okay. But he doesn't have that. So it'll just be better if he doesn't know yet.

April [about Jackson]

It's sweet. Thank you. Really. You're so invested. You're like the Supreme Court just trying to tell a woman what she can and can't do.

April [to Alex]

Maggie [to Meredith, about Thorpe]: He's called how many times now?
Callie: Oh god, just give me the phone. I'll send him a nice blow off text.
Maggie: No, not a text! She's not a monster.

Arizona: Please stop! I know that you're going to say no, and I don't want to be in a position where I go against you. I know that this is a judgement call, but your judgement is not better here. I know what has to be done, and this is the only way I know how to do it.
Miranda: Okay, what I was going to say...Good luck.

You talk and you *talk* about Grey, but you don't do anything to change the situation. You get ten seconds. After that, the only person you can talk to about Meredith Grey *is* Meredith Grey.

Stephanie [to Jo]

Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Quotes

Stephanie: You're one of the Seattle Grace five.
Arizona: I survived a plane crash. A big deal.
Stephanie: And a car crash. And a shooting. You might be immortal.

You wanna know why bullies bully? It's 'cause they can. Maybe you've got it worse at home or maybe you're just bullying to keep from getting bullied, but really, it's because people like me, like this girl at our table, are alone and small and vulnerable. And pushing us around makes you feel better about your sad pathetic little lives. Not you guys, though. You're cool. Now.
