MIRANDA: [to the interns] "I've been gone for two weeks. Two weeks and you ran off two residents? I've got people phoning me at home, screaming, telling me my interns are a bunch of Rosemary's Babies. Nobody wants you! Do you think I have time for this? I'm pregnant. I'm supposed to be on bed rest. I'm supposed to be growing a human being. I'm supposed to be calm. Do I look calm? Did I raise you fools to be pariahs?"
GEORGE: [hugs her] "You're back."
MIRANDA: "I'm not back."
GEORGE: "You're not?"
MIRANDA: "Get off me."
GEORGE: "Dr. Bailey?"
MIRANDA: "What?!"
GEORGE: "What do you want me to tell Dr. Montgomery Shepherd when she answers her page?"
MIRANDA: [watches her water break] "You can tell her my contractions are 10 minutes apart and my water just broke all over your shoes!"

"Go away. I don't want to see any of you until after this baby is born, which, if he stays on schedule and does like I told him to, should be in about four and a half hours."


RICHARD: "Bailey's back."
DEREK: "Bailey's back?"
DEREK: [Peers through the window, then turns back] "Yes she is, and her cervix is being examined by my wife, which is a visual that I will never get out of my head."

MIRANDA: "What are you people doing out here?"
RICHARD: "Are you alright? Can I get you anything?"
MIRANDA: "Hmm. Well, a boy the size of a 10-pound bowling ball is trying to work it’s way out of my body. Can you get me something for that? Can you get me a new vagina?"
RICHARD: "Uh... well..."
MIRANDA: "I didn't think so."

PRESTON: "You were gone when I woke up."
CRISTINA: "I had to go do a thing."
PRESTON: "A thing."
CRISTINA: "Yeah. A thing."
PRESTON: "You didn’t leave a note."
CRISTINA: "Sorry."
PRESTON: [sighs] "We go to sleep, I think everything's fine. We wake up, and you're just a little bit crazy."
CRISTINA: "I had a thing!"

CRISTINA: "Get out of bed, we're gonna be late."
MEREDITH: "I have a feeling."
CRISTINA: "You have a feeling?"
CRISTINA: "What kind of feeling?"
MEREDITH: "Like I might die."
CRISTINA: "Today? Tomorrow? In 50 years? We're all going to die eventually. Now we're late! Let's go!"
MEREDITH: "Oh Cristina, c'mon!"
CRISTINA: "What? I'm being supportive."
MEREDITH: "Really?"
CRISTINA: "Yeah, this is me being totally supportive. Go on."
MEREDITH: "Okay. The man I love has a wife and then he chooses her over me. Then the wife takes my dog. Well, she didn't actually take my dog. I gave it to her. But I didn't mean to give it to her, I meant to give it to him, and that doesn't change the fact that she's got Derek. And my McDog. She's got my McLife! What have I got? I can't even remember the last time we kissed. Because you never think the last time is the last time. You think you have forever, but you don't. Plus my conditioner decided to stop working and I think I have brittle bones. I need something to happen. I just need a sign. I need a reason to go on. I need some hope, and in the absence of hope, I need to stay in bed and feel like I might die today."
CRISTINA: [pauses, then drags Meredith out of bed] "Whatever. Everybody has problems. Get your ass out of bed and get to work. NOW! Move, move, move!"

PRESTON: [to Meredith] "Dr. Grey, I want you to walk out of this room. Walk. Do not run. Go and tell the charge nurse that we have a Code Black."
MEREDITH: "I'm sorry, a Code Black?"
PRESTON: "Code. Black. Tell him that I am sure, and then tell him to call the bomb squad."

[narrating] "After careful consideration and many sleepless nights, here’s what I've decided. There's no such thing as a grown-up. We move out, we move away from our families. But the basic insecurities, the fears and all the old wounds just grow up with us. Just when you think life has forced you to truly become an adult, your mother says something like that. We get bigger, taller, older. But, for the most part, we're still a bunch of kids, running around the playground, trying desperately to fit in."


[to Meredith] "Hi. I... I know I'm not a world-renowned surgeon, and... I know I'm not a lot of things you've gone for in the past. I know that. But... I would never leave you. I would never hurt you. And I will never stop loving you."


GEORGE: "She doesn’t hear me."
IZZIE: "What?"
GEORGE: "She doesn’t even hear me when I talk."
IZZIE: "She will if you make her."
GEORGE: [pauses] "You fed the beast didn’t you?"
Izzie: [smiles] "Twice."

MARK: "You and I are the dirty mistresses."
MEREDITH: "I suppose we are. Why do you think that is?"
MARK: "My $400-dollar-an-hour shrink says it’s because behind this rugged and confident exterior, I'm self-loathing and self-destructive to an almost pathological degree."
MEREDITH: "We have a lot in common."
MARK: "It's funny. Derek walks in on me naked with his wife, and just turns around and walks away. But then he sees me so much as talking to you, and I'm on the ground bleeding. Interesting, don't you think?"

RICHARD: "Punching out people on my surgical floor. My head of neurosurgery is punching out people on my surgical floor."
ADDISON: "Put some ice on your hand."
DEREK: "My hand is fine."
RICHARD: "Put the damn ice on your two million dollar a year hand. Now someone tell me what the hell happened."
ADDISON: [pauses] "That was Mark."
RICHARD: "Who’s Mark?"
ADDISON: "He and Derek used to work together back in New York. And they... we... we were all close friends. Until Derek found us in bed together."
RICHARD: "Did you put your weight behind it?"
DEREK: "Yes sir."
RICHARD: [pauses] "Well, alright then."

Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Quotes

[to Addison] "There is a land called Passive Agresseva, and you are their queen."


MEREDITH: "Hey, why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
CRISTINA: "Why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
MEREDITH: "No reason."
CRISTINA: "No reason." [pause] "Burke thinks I moved in with him."
MEREDITH: "McDreamy and I have a case. Wait. He thinks you moved in with him?"
CRISTINA: "You're calling him McDreamy again?"
CRISTINA: "What are you doing?"
MEREDITH: "What are YOU doing?"