GEORGE: "Hey... how do I look today? Would you say that I look nice?"
IZZIE: "Well, you could use a little more lip gloss, but yes, other than that you’re very pretty."
GEORGE: "You're mean."
IZZIE: "Sorry. You look fine."
GEORGE: "Seriously, how’s my breath?"
IZZIE: "George, would you just go talk to her?"

IZZIE: "Stop!"
ALEX: "What?"
IZZIE: "You have dirty in your eyes."
ALEX: "You have dirty in your eyes."
IZZIE: "Well I'm not doing dirty with you anymore. It was a one-time lapse in judgment."
ALEX: "No, it was a four-time lapse in judgment."

GEORGE: "Why is he suturing his own face?"
CRISTINA: "To turn me on..."
ALEX: "Because he's Mark Sloan. The guy is like the go-to plastic surgeon on the east coast."
GEORGE: "That’s the guy Addison was sleeping with."
IZZIE: "Can you really blame her?"
CRISTINA: "No, not really."
GEORGE: "Yes, you can."
MEREDITH: "Well McSexy wants an X-ray to check for fractures and I think it’s a bad idea if I go with him."
GEORGE: "Why?"
ALEX: "I'm on it."
GEORGE: "Why is that a bad idea?"
MEREDITH: "That's not right."
IZZIE: "McYummy?"
CRISTINA: "Mmm... no."
MEREDITH: "McSteamy."
CRISTINA: "There it is!"
IZZIE: "Yup."
GEORGE: "Allow me to choke back some McVomit."

PATIENT: "I was struck by lightning."
MEREDITH: "You mean you fell out of a tree that was hit by lightning."
PATIENT: "Same difference."
MIRANDA: "Actually, medically, it's not the same difference. And it would be helpful if, from now on, you told us the whole truth!"

RICHARD: "Ellis Grey... her daughter is in the internship program here. Ellis has advanced Alzheimer's Disease. She's in a nursing home. I visit there once a week if I can."
OLLIE: "You're visiting the woman who made you hit rock bottom?"
RICHARD: "I have no choice."
OLLIE: "How long have you been sober?"
RICHARD: "Over 17 years now."

PRESTON: [to Izzie and Alex] "Neither of you are scrubbing in. Please leave."
ALEX: "Fine, I'll watch from the deck."
PRESTON: "No, you won't. Whatever's going on here, I don't need this negative energy anywhere near my O.R."

CRISTINA: "This is the women's restroom."
GEORGE: "Burke told me to do whatever it takes."
CRISTINA: "Ow, ow, you're touching me."
GEORGE: "Give it to me!"
CRISTINA: "That's my breast."
GEORGE: "Give me the cap!"
CRISTINA: "That's my breast."

[narrating] "Superstition lies in the space between what we can control and what we can't. Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck. No one wants to pass up a chance for good luck. But does saying it 33 times really help? Is anyone actually listening? Why do we bother doing those strange things? We rely on superstitions because we're smart enough to know we don't have all the answers.. and that life works in mysterious ways. Don't diss the juju, from wherever it comes."


[narrating] "My college campus has a magic statue. It’s a tradition for students to rub its nose for good luck. My freshman roommate really believed in it and insisted on rubbing its nose before every exam. Studying might have been a better idea. She flunked out her sophomore year. But we all have little superstitious things that we do. If it's not believing in magic statues, it's avoiding sidewalk cracks or always putting our left shoe on first. Knock on wood. Step on a crack, break your mother's back. The last thing we want to do is offend the gods."


MEREDITH: "George is still ignoring me."
CRISTINA: "Just ignore him back."
MEREDITH: "Derek says I should apologize until he listens."
CRISTINA: "Derek says?"
MEREDITH: "It's good advice. He's my friend. That’s good friend advice."

CRISTINA: "This is great. No blood, no guts, no lives to save. It's dead quiet..."
IZZIE: "Cristina!?"
MIRANDA: "Yang, did you really just say that?"
CRISTINA: "Say what?"
GEORGE: "The 'q' word."
IZZIE: "That's like saying 'Macbeth' in the theater."
CRISTINA: "Oh please. You think because someone says its quiet that it will mean…"

CRISTINA: [Hands Dr. Burke his cap]
PRESTON: "Thank you. How long have you had this? It's one of my favorites."
CRISTINA: "You're welcome. You know you don’t need it."
PRESTON: "What?"
CRISTINA: "I keep that cap in my locker because every morning I look at it and I'm reminded of what I'm here for and what I want to be. A great surgeon. One who is decisive and executes and who doesn’t need a piece of clothing to give him an edge in surgery. You don't need it.
PRESTON: [pauses] "I know. You're right."
CRISTINA: "I know I'm right."

Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Quotes

[to Addison] "There is a land called Passive Agresseva, and you are their queen."


MEREDITH: "Hey, why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
CRISTINA: "Why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
MEREDITH: "No reason."
CRISTINA: "No reason." [pause] "Burke thinks I moved in with him."
MEREDITH: "McDreamy and I have a case. Wait. He thinks you moved in with him?"
CRISTINA: "You're calling him McDreamy again?"
CRISTINA: "What are you doing?"
MEREDITH: "What are YOU doing?"