Joanie: No! Let them see what a mess we have been. And we have been!
Donna: It's a good thing your father isn't here to see this. He'd be devastated.
Joanie: Well, then it's a good thing he's not here then.

Donna: I finished the game.
Cam: What game?
Donna: The game. Your game. Pilgram.
Cam: Of course you did. I made it for people like you.

Donna: Can you believe there was a time you got so excited about pumpkins?
Joanie: I still get excited about pumpkins. Pumpkins blow my mind.

Donna: I miss him.
Cameron: So do I.
Donna: I miss you, too.
Cameron: I'm here.

I always forget how great Joe is with the girls. He just lights them right up.


Gordon's dead.


Oh geez. Where'd I get so dirty? And where did the time go?


Joe: I hear you're not interested in coming back to Comet and that really bums be out.
Hayley: It bums me out, too.
Joe: So come back.

Jesus Christ! You won! You got Haley and Gordon and Cameron! You got everybody! What else do you want?!


Donna, I get it. It hurts to be thought of in that way. I've been there.


I'm not convinced this fight gets won by the one that keeps users moving, it might go to the one who keeps visitors sticking around.


Joe: Nobody knows better than me how impossible working with your father is. He's moody, impatient, ungrateful, and the know-it-all problem is legendary.
Haley: He's standing right there, isn't he? [laughs]
Joe: Would I be saying all this if he was standing right there?
Haley: Yeah. [laughs]
Joe: OK, then you answered your own question. Look, you're part of this place, and we need you.
Haley: Did my dad hear that?
Joe: Of course he did.

Halt and Catch Fire Season 4 Quotes

This isn't a game you play, it's a game you live.


Gordon: Listen, Joe, you've been down here three years, and it's still just you, an ergonomic chair and 5,000 Post-Its. I'll say it again. You did it. You and Ryan called it. You said the Internet would be the next great public utility. Well, guess what? We did it. We're here. We are Thomas Edison. We built the power company. So why don't you come upstairs and run the power company with me?
Joe: Gordon, nobody remembers the power company.