Cameron: Hey. What if we worked together again.
Donna: Uh. Do you have an idea?
Cameron: No. The idea can come later. That's not what's important.

Let me start by asking a question.


Cameron: What the hell is this Yahoo?
Joe: Two guys from Stanford. Used to be called Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web.
Cameron: This sucks. The design's terrible, there's no image support. They're...
Joe: ...on the toolbar. They're on the toolbar. That's it. They've won. They're the directory to the web. We don't exist.

Joe: The thing that gets you to the thing.
Cameron: Huh?
Joe: It was you. It was always you.

Joe likes the dishes done in a particular way, so I just don't do them anymore.


Donna: You know sometimes I think maybe...
Cameron: Haley's gay?
Donna: Yeah.
Cameron: Yeah.
Donna: You know, these girls are...amazing.

I get a little lightheaded sometimes if I shit real big.


Haley: You know, you're here all day. Swimming.
Donna: Well, I like swimming.
Haley: Yeah, well I like swimming, too. But Jesus Christ. [they giggle]

There's one more person I want to mention. A huge part of the soul of this place is no longer here. Comet began with Haley Clark. Comet began back in 1983. And I told him, computers aren't the thing. They're the thing that gets us to the thing. And this is...


Cameron: I wanted it to work. I wanted us to work.
Joe: Yeah? Me too.
Cameron: And it did. For a while.
Joe: For a while.

Cameron: What is that sound?
Joe: It's Gordon's wristwatch. It would go off when he needed to take his medication. I don't know where the key to his office is.

Donna: Can you believe there was a time you got so excited about pumpkins?
Joanie: I still get excited about pumpkins. Pumpkins blow my mind.

Halt and Catch Fire Season 4 Quotes

This isn't a game you play, it's a game you live.


Gordon: Listen, Joe, you've been down here three years, and it's still just you, an ergonomic chair and 5,000 Post-Its. I'll say it again. You did it. You and Ryan called it. You said the Internet would be the next great public utility. Well, guess what? We did it. We're here. We are Thomas Edison. We built the power company. So why don't you come upstairs and run the power company with me?
Joe: Gordon, nobody remembers the power company.