Joe: Hey, I have a present for you.
Cameron: Do you?
Joe: For your video games.
Cameron [takes the gift]: Oh. That's...passive aggressive.
Joe: Really? Is it? Because I was aiming for blunt, compromising clarity.
Cameron: You missed the mark.
Joe: You're loud. Everything you do is loud. And messy. You're messy.

It's hard to think of a better way to spend your time than working with her on something she cares about. I wish my dad could have seen me be good at something.


Gordon: I'm sorry about the divorce.
Cameron: Thank you. There is something cathartic about it.
Gordon: Yeah, you bet your ass! That you get to be divorced after all of it!
Cameron: I was talking about the game.

Have you seen Mosiac?


Gordon: Listen, Joe, you've been down here three years, and it's still just you, an ergonomic chair and 5,000 Post-Its. I'll say it again. You did it. You and Ryan called it. You said the Internet would be the next great public utility. Well, guess what? We did it. We're here. We are Thomas Edison. We built the power company. So why don't you come upstairs and run the power company with me?
Joe: Gordon, nobody remembers the power company.

This isn't a game you play, it's a game you live.


John: Gordon keeps a watchful eye on the henhouse. I wouldn't worry very much.
Diane: John, all I'm saying is with AOL coming to town, doesn't this seem overly optimistic?

I'll just keep talking cause I think you're still there. Are you there? Well, I'm here.


Cameron: Am I cruel?
Gordon: Of course not. Why would you ask that?

So, do you know what you want?


They're starting their own ISP.


Gordon: John, what do we gotta pay.
Volpe: Guys, I'm afraid you do not hear what I'm saying. There is no more pipe for you period.

Halt and Catch Fire Season 4 Quotes

This isn't a game you play, it's a game you live.


Gordon: Listen, Joe, you've been down here three years, and it's still just you, an ergonomic chair and 5,000 Post-Its. I'll say it again. You did it. You and Ryan called it. You said the Internet would be the next great public utility. Well, guess what? We did it. We're here. We are Thomas Edison. We built the power company. So why don't you come upstairs and run the power company with me?
Joe: Gordon, nobody remembers the power company.