You're official now.


Hanna: Lukas was scared last night. Why?
Erik: We all are.
Hanna: Not like him. He smells of fear. Like a fox that knows it's dying.

Please don't be angry with me. We need luck today.


You can't buy me.


Rudi: She is something else.
Erik: I told you I trained her.
Rudi: That's not what I meant. I mean she's special.

I told you to stay away from Marissa Wiegler. I told you to stay away from her poison. You didn't listen. You never listen, Erik.


I thought I was chasing him, but he's lured me here. He wanted me to come.


Word of advice. Don't play chess with your dad.


Erik: When this is all over, you can stay wherever you want.
Hanna: When what is over?

Hanna: Did you know my mother?
Elsa: I wish we had.

Hanna: I thought you weren't coming. Where were you?
Erik: I had to make sure you were alone.

DNA is what we're made of, no, actually, it's who we are.
