[On voicemail] Pip pip cheerio, bye then love.


I'm realizing that if I never end up with Zoe Hart, that would be completely fine.


Lemon: In fact I think it's a wonderful idea!
Shelby: It is?
Annabeth: Run...

Zoe: Who knows, maybe you'll find something that you like in life other than cars and beer?
Wade: You really think I'm that shallow?
Zoe: I'm sorry... And naked women.
Wade: Thank you!

You said you wanted "cured sausage"


My God, did you just give me the compliment sandwich. Where is he?! GEORGE TUCKER get your butt out here! What is going on here? Are you dumping me again?


[About Shelby] It started as a one night thing, then it became a two night thing... Now it's a every night thing... You're right, it's not my brain making these decisions.


[About Zoe] She's like the Mayor of pound town and City Hall is open all day!


You're Wade Kinsella, I am pretty sure you know how to piss a woman off.


Did you say startled or scarred? Because seeing you and Shelby... Wow.


Oh, hi Mr. Mayor. Don't mind me, I'm just testing the limits of my waterproof mascara. Yep, there it is. Good to know for the future.


Zoe: You really put yourself out there, I was so scared that it wouldn't work and that we wouldn't have anything in common that I kind of sabotaged it. But the thing that I realized was that I like you Wade Kinsella. I really like you. And who knows maybe there's a chance you and I could be happy together. But we'll never know unless we try.
Wade: What are you saying?
Zoe: What I'm saying is that would you maybe consider being my for real out in public, everyone knows about actual boyfriend?

Hart of Dixie Season 2 Quotes

Let's just say I finally understand what R. Kelly has been singing about all of these years...


Last night, while George was calling off his wedding, I was having sex with Wade
