They were right to kick me out. I shouldn't be a cop.

Tani [to McGarrett and Danny]

McGarrett: Steve's is your dream. It's not Steve's.
Danny: You don't think it'd be fun?

You two stand a better chance of finding Waldo.

Wright [to McGarrett and Danny]

Danny: That's funny.
McGarrett: What's funny?
Danny: She pulls ridiculous stunts and is crazy. She's the female you.

McGarrett: What's the first rule of firearms?
Tani: Don't shoot the good guys.
McGarrett: That's good enough.

Can't this thing go any faster?

Tani [to McGarrett]

Do me a favor. Stay alive.

Danny [to McGarrett]

Nobody likes a chatty Cathy.

Grover [to Duclair]

Tani: McGarrett doesn't seem like the boring type.
Danny: He's definitely not boring.

She needs to understand there are monsters in the world.

Grover [to Wright]

McGarrett comes into your life just when you need him most.

Danny [to Tani]

Danny: I'm in charge. You know that?
McGarrett: Nope.

Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 1 Quotes

McGarrett: Steve's is your dream. It's not Steve's.
Danny: You don't think it'd be fun?

They were right to kick me out. I shouldn't be a cop.

Tani [to McGarrett and Danny]