When you over-pack, you kill the vibe of the vacay from the very beginning.

Grover [to WIll]

So hand-to-hand combat, parkour, jumping out of airplanes, that's out, right?

Danny [to McGarrett's doctor]

The lying, cheating husband and the scheming, cheating wife. How could this relationship not work out?


I think you guys just have a phobia of hospitals.


Three ex-wives, you said. Makes sense.

Danny [to Harry]

Danny: I only have the one face.
Harry: Makes sense to me. If he had his choice of face, why would be choose that one?

Harry: You on medication, Jerry?
Jerry: Yeah, why?
Harry: No reason.

[Police work] is a hard job to do, and a harder job to let go.

Harry [to Danny]

Noelani: I deal with dead bodies.
Harry: You take much longer, you may have another one on your hands.

I'm riding this wave all the way to the beach, and by beach, I mean cemetery.

Grover [to McGarrett]

Kono: You know, your friend Jack, he's a lot like you.
McGarrett: I don't know if that's a compliment.

Kono: Anything that [Adam] did before he went to prison, all his successes, they don't count for anything once you have a record. Also, if we want to start having a family, he wants to be able to do his part.
McGarrett: I just want you both to know, if you need anything ...
Kono: I know.

Hawaii Five-0 Season 7 Quotes

Whatever it is that she saw, it literally scared her to death.


Max: Everybody on the island knows of the well-documented paranormal incident.
McGarrett: Everybody except for Detective Williams.