Ace: Hey, here. I don’t know why I did that.
Man: I do. Ya feel the world owes it to you. So, you keep it.

Employee: Hey, I just want to make sure you know what you’re doin’ up there. I mean, you’re askin’ me about the efficacy of a raincoat.
Ace: This, this particular raincoat.
Employee: Raincoats always work, man. That’s why they’re raincoats.
Ace: Do you sell tents?
Employee: [rubs his eyebrows] Oh my God.

Staci: They wanted us to acknowledge that punching was wrong. How could you not read that?
Jack: ‘Cause punchin’ is not always wrong. Listen, are we supposed to live according to principle, or are we just supposed to suck it up?
Staci: We’re supposed to live according to principle and common sense.
Jack: Well, let me know when to use which.

Oh, Jesus. The minute we get some momentum. These fuckin’ brothers, man. Now Ace quit? Rooster defected. Poc’s gone AWAL, Bobby’s leg’s broken. Just fuckin’ great.


Take care of Ace.

Tom [in a written note to Jack]

I’m the guy that named his own son after his dead dad that he don’t miss. And I’m sorry if that scares you. It scares me.


Jack: I don’t know how you picked all that up in a week. There are wrestlers who work that their entire careers don’t tap into what you just did. You got it.
Ace: Thanks for sayin’ that, Jack.
Jack: It’s not stupid.
Ace: Say again?
Jack: This is not a stupid thing, this thing. This is an amazing thing. The fraternity and the camaraderie; it’s so far from a stupid thing.
Ace: I agree.
Jack: We should keep doin’ it.
Ace: You serious?
Jack: We should make this into what it could have been, what we just proved it can be if we work together. We can pull this off. We just have to, we’re gonna have to work hard, trust, grant, have each other’s backs.
Ace: Remember when we’d fight as kids, and Dad would make us shake hands and say that?
Jack: Yeah, maybe we should have said it before we fought. Stop the fightin’ upfront.
Jack & Ace: I got your back, brother. [they laugh]

Girls always want guys to admit other guys are handsome. What’s that about?


Jim: I don’t know how to say this, man, but uh, there’s no Duffy without the DWL. I understand it, but it sucks that it’s over.
Willie: It’s a blessin’. More people were here for his funeral feast than the last three shows combined.

He bought a house, fed his family. Didn’t do much other than wrestle for most of his adult life. That not being enough of a life for him? That’s his declaration. He’s a pussy. He’s a coward, and he took the coward’s way out.


Connie, there’s not a single part of my body I can’t control.

Wild Bill

[to Thomas] Pajama pants and cowboy boots are a good look on you.


Heels Quotes

Jack: That's not fair. You put sex on my mind before church. How dare you?
Staci: Well, after church we can go see a movie. I'll leave my underwear in the car.

Ace: What? You made cuz I said fuck? They loved it!
Jack: We got kids who come to the show, Ace.
Ace: Yeah. To see me! I mean, listen to that!
Jack: When you're in the ring, you stick to my script.
Ace: Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace! You hear that?