Quinn: Why don't you tell me then, why don't you tell me just what it is that you're doing in there.
Carrie: I'm recruiting someone.
Quinn: Really? Cuz to me it looks like you're fucking a child.
Carrie: I had two days! I had to move fast.
Quinn: Is there no line, Carrie? Is there no fucking line?
Carrie: What's it to you, anyway?
Quinn: Nothing. Enjoy.

There's a theory, men secretly fear their wives are crazy and women secretly fear their husbands are losers.


Carrie: Don't you want to pray?
Aayan: Tonight, can I touch you again? I felt silly last night.
Carrie: Why?
Aayan: [laughs embarrassingly] I didn't know how...
Carrie: But you did.
Aayan: I took. I didn't give.
Carrie: You're new at this.
Aayan: How do I give?
Carrie: I'll show you. After prayers.

Martha: Peter Quinn around?
John: In the field.
Martha: Reachable?
John: Unlikely. Is there anything I can do?
Martha: Oh, he helps me sometimes, with...
John: Dennis:
Martha: How'd you know?
John: I'm a spy. I know shit.

Carrie: You feel bad, right, about what we did?
Aayan: It's against my faith.
Carrie: I know.
Aayan: But I don't want to sin. I want to be devout.
Carrie: It's fine. We don't have to do anything, OK?

Three days. To develop that type of trust? That's a tall fuckin' order.


Aayan: Oh. Oh, is was just..
Carrie: Looking?
Aayan: No.... yeah.

Do you know what a stalking horse is? It's a decoy used to hide behind while hunting your quarry.


Carrie: Because that's when we stop tracking terrorists. When we think they're dead.
Quinn: I get why the Taliban wants us to think that, buy why the ISA?
Carrie: That's a good fuckin' question.

What I need Quinn is your help, not your God damn foot on a break.


Bunny: Back when we were fighting the cold war, the Russians were tough, but...
Saul: They didn't saw our heads off on the Internet, blow up innocent people, fly airplanes into the twin towers.
Bunny: Come on, Saul.
Saul: What?
Bunny: We both know 9/11 was a hoax; an Israeli/American excuse to launch a crusade against the Muslim world.
Saul: Honestly. I don't know what to say when I hear men of your deep knowledge and experience talk like that.

Carrie: Sandy was one of ours murdered by one of theirs. That's a huge fucking deal. Something's going on.
Saul: Something's always going on.
Carrie: No. Not like this.

Homeland Season 4 Quotes

Jesus. There were a lot more people in the farmhouse than we thought.


Actually I have another thing I want to mention. Just something I want to throw out there. If
we'd known in 2001 we were staying in Afghanistan this long, we would have made some very
difference choices. Right? Instead our planning cycles rarely look more than 12 months ahead, so this hasn't been a 14 year war we've been waging, but a one year war, waged 14 times. I think we're walking away with the job half done.
