House: If I wanted gifts, I would just look deep into my patients' eyes and act like you. "Oh, I'm so sorry you're dying, Mrs. Moron. Of course I'll sleep with you. What I lack in skill, I can make up for in..."
Dr. Wilson: You'd just wind up insulting her. Perhaps calling her "Mrs. Moron."

House: You talked to Wilson.
Taub: He has very girly handwriting, by the way.

House: I got Mark's latest blood work, he's not responding to treatment.
Dr. Wilson: I'm sorry.
House: I was happy. He's my patient. I'm sure he's a good guy, he's probably a great guy. Probably a much better guy than I am. And some part of me wants him to die. I'm just not sure if it's because I want to be with her or if it's because I want her to suffer.

House: I diagnosed him, I did my job. You want somebody to tie him down and force him into treatment, well, you're way better at that than I am.
Stacy: Is that what this is? Payback for your leg? How many times have we been over this; I saved your life.

The truth of the human condition is that everyone lies. The only variable is about what.

Stacy: God, you're an idiot.
House: I think I'm more of a jerk.

House: So I should help (Stacy) because she hates me?
Dr. Wilson: She doesn't hate you. She loves you. She just... can't stand to be around you

House: Chase. Did you know about this woman? What she does?
Dr. Chase: I met her at some parties, yeah.
House: I wouldn't have tortured you if I knew you liked it.

(to Cameron, after House's snide remark) Yeah, I get it. House is adorable. I just wanna hold him and never let go.

Dr. Chase

You live under the delusion that you can fix everything that isn't perfect. That's why you married a man who was dying of cancer. You don't love, you need, and now that your husband is dead, you're looking for your new charity case, that's why you're going out with me. I'm twice your age, I'm not great looking, I'm not charming, I'm not even nice. What I am is what you need...I'm damaged.

Me, I'm a freak. I get off on not being in pain. That and chocolate-covered marshmallow bunnies.

House: You actually speak four languages, or you just banking on never being interviewed by anyone who does?
Dr. Gilmar: It's true. And I can swear in two more.

House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy