I'm so sorry.


Wes: No, he wasn't part of this.
Connor: You think I wanted to be a part of this?

Wes: Sam killed Lila and Rebecca's trying to prove it.
Michaela: Wait, what?
Connor: I'd pay to see her face right now.

Sam: I'm not a violent man, Annie.
Annalise: Everyone's violent, given the chance.

You're a monster.

Sam [to Annalise]

Bitches be crazy.


He can't keep it a secret anymore.


I met Lila the night she was killed.

Bonnie [to Sam]

I'm gonna lose my case because all I can think about is you with that girl. How many times was it? Seven? That's all it took for you to knock her up. This is what I get. This is what happens when you screw somebody else's husband. You become sad, barren. Now even a dead girl is more of a woman than you.

Annalise [to Sam]

Are you good for anything or can you only do your job when you're screwing evidence out of someone?

Annalise [to Connor]

Wes: If you didn't want her to know, why tell me?
Annalise: Because I learned my lesson about keeping secrets from you.

You should have worn a condom.

Annalise [to Sam]

How to Get Away with Murder Quotes

You've never been raped, have you? Because I have been. By him, before him, as a child. And the memory of that is worse than what happens to you. So yes, I helped put them to sleep. But only so they wouldn't have the memories.

Jackie [to Annalise]

If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.
