Mom, are we seriously going to have this warm and fuzzy catch up in front of all these other weeble wobbles?


For the record, just because my boobs are so big that Dolly Parton can sue for silhouette infringement doesn't mean I'm this delicate flower or some porcelain doll.


Mary: Now you're running around like some sort of munchkin PI because Brandi thinks I mad at her?
Peter: Pretty much.

Stan: Mary, Congratulations...
Mary: I had sex. It worked. So.

Stan: Mary, I've let this slide long enough waiting for the exact right moment to bring up the elephant in the room. Hmm. I did not just say that.
Mary: Well, it seems like you did.

Delia: So who's throwing the baby shower?
Stan: I don't know Delia. Who's pregnant?
Delia: Oh come on Chief, she's been busting buttons for weeks now.

Marshall: Besides I don't mind hanging out with Vic.
Mary: Of course you don't. He's a pint size you with a killer tan.

I tried to tell you, old candy from the bottom of the beauty shop bowl, never a good idea.


I'm with you every day. If you're having a baby, trust me, we're having a baby


Look, we're stuck in 1985. Daddy can't deal with his gay son. All I need now are my acid wash jeans and a scrunchie.


Great, our witness is Archie Bunker except, you know, not funny.


Perfect is overrated. Put that in Latin and it's the Shannon family motto.


In Plain Sight Quotes

One of the most difficult moments in anyone's life is when the fog of childhood lifts and we see for the first time our parents as people.


Marshall: You are in a different kind of mood this morning.
Mary: Actually, I'm in a really good mood. Which is kind of weird considering where I was 48 hours ago. Then I had a witness off herself and, like that is not bad enough, I've got to play second fiddle to a knucklehead like you.
Marshall: Thanks for lumping me in with kidnapping, attempted rape and suicide. Can't tell you how much that means.