So, slight silver lining, he's not thinking 'zombie.'


You okay... he asked rhetorically.


I don't even need to be this attractive. It's just icing.


We have nothing in common other than being half dead. That is not the basis of a healthy relationship.


Liv: Oh, Major! Who did this to you?
Major: I can't talk about fight club... crap.

Lieutenant: Moving those kids bodies... it was too much.
Blaine: Emotionally? Because physically it shouldn't have been too hard.

Ravi: Do you think this is how Oppenheimer felt staring down at the A-bomb?
Liv: Like a drama queen?

Ravi: Their brains are missing every one of them.
Liv: The Lannisters send their regards.

Shocking.... Too soon?


Everything the police tell you in this town is a lie.


I knew something was up, but I didn't really get it until I saw a magazine with Idris Elba on the cover, and the phrase 'big piece of yum' popped into my head. I mean, I'm mildly afraid of heights, but I would not hesitate to climb that mountain.


Liv, I didn't want to have to tell you like this but... I'm gay. But not to worry, it's only until I eat my next brain.


iZombie Season 1 Quotes

I have so many questions. First, why the hot sauce? Is that a zombie thing?


I don't have post-traumatic stress. I have post-traumatic ennui. Post-traumatic defeatism. Post-traumatic 'what's the point?'
