Hugo: Is Gweneth Paltrow's head in a box here somewhere or...
Eve: I'll put your head in a box.

Hugo: Can I ask you something? What's the deal with you and Villanelle?
Eve: I don't know.
Hugo: She fancies you, doesn't she?
Eve: Everything isn't all about sex, Hugo.
Hugo: Isn't it? What is it? Do you like watching her or do you like being watched?
Eve: Both.

Eve: Mmmm. This is AMAZING. What do they put in it?!
Hugo: Hmmm. I don't know. Crack. Orphans.
Eve: I don't care if that's true. Seriously. If it tastes this good, grind up an orphan and fry it in crack.

Hugo: I once got a handjob in here. Under this very table.
Eve: That's very romantic.
Hugo: It kind of was actually.
Eve: Do you EVER not talk about sex?
Hugo: Why would I? What else is there?

Hugo: This is taking ages.
Kenny: It's a computer; it's not magic.

Eve: Wow. That was smart. And thoughtful. She wanted it to be painless. What kind of assassin does that?
Hugo: Uh, a nice one?
Eve: She can make it painless because she knows about drugs. She knows how to tailor each death to make it look accidental.

Villanelle: What?
Konstantin: How did that feel?
Villanelle: It didn't feel like anything. Is that how it's going to be from now on? Scorned wives and scumbags?

I mean, it's one thing getting murdered, but the indignity of being found while in the middle of bleaching your mustache...


Girl: Wow. You look amazing. Can I take a picture of you for my Instagram?
Villanelle: No. No. Don't be pathetic. Get a real life.

If you two are our nation's great hope, I'll start building the bunker now.

Mr. Peel

We look like bacon.


Villanelle: What's with the shirt?
Konstantin: Come.
Villanelle: Seriously. Do not go shopping on your own again.

Killing Eve Quotes

Does anyone in the department speak heroin Polish? No, I'm serious.


OK. Thanks for giving us your Saturday. It turns out people are still murderous bastards on a Sunday.
