Dutch: So, you go find the transponder sugar pants. D'avin can plant the explosives while I go look for some booty.
John: You want to say something?
D'avin: Um nope. [smiles]

D'avin: It was a recon. Simple sweep and sensor, me and my squad. There was nothing...
Hogan: Go on.
D'avin: I can't.
Hogan: You just started.
D'avin: I can't, I mean I can't remember. I don't know what it was about, or how it started.
Hogan: Then, what do you remember. What do you remember?
D'avin: I killed them, my squad.

D'avin: She's dead.
John: No, she's strong.
D'avin: What are you talking about strong? She's in deep space, with no suit, nothing and those things are still inside her.
John: And what do you think is keeping her alive? The human body can't survive in space, there's no air, there's no pressure. There's radiation. Blood boils. Skin freezes. The nanites repair anything short of brain death. They should keep her alive long enough to get to Lucy to plug in the manual override code.

Warning, possible contamination detected. Quarantine procedure initiated... Disengaging.


D'avin: I get it.
Hogan; Yeah? Get what son?
D'avin: Your ship, no cargo, no I.D. You're not regular military; you're Black Ops. Enhanced interrogation. You're a torture unit.

John: Dutch wait... wait a minute.
Dr. Grange: He used the nanites on all of us.
John: Nanites.
Dr. Grange: There's no way to override them. The interrogation program won't stop. It just keeps going. I don't know why.

Dutch: Why can't you just leave me alone?
Khlyen: Because without me, you're becoming weak. Vulnerable.

Killjoys Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

D'avin: It was a recon. Simple sweep and sensor, me and my squad. There was nothing...
Hogan: Go on.
D'avin: I can't.
Hogan: You just started.
D'avin: I can't, I mean I can't remember. I don't know what it was about, or how it started.
Hogan: Then, what do you remember. What do you remember?
D'avin: I killed them, my squad.

Dutch: So, you go find the transponder sugar pants. D'avin can plant the explosives while I go look for some booty.
John: You want to say something?
D'avin: Um nope. [smiles]