John: Hey hey, do exactly what I say we're in the line of fire.
Pree: What?
John: It's a Company flash. Those guys, they just hit an immigration center. Shot two guards and made off with a ton of seventh generation claim IDs.
Pree: Oh damn.
John: See that dude over there? He's Company. Get to cover before he does something stupid.
Pree: Too late.

John: Hey guys, you're feeling adrift. Guess what? Me too. See, we've been through a lot, but right now we're a bit stuck. On the plus side, we've been through a lot and we'll get through this too. But first, you have to answer the big question. Are we a team?
Dutch: I'm gonna kill him. Sorry, bad choice of words.
D'avin: Nah.
John: So I'm forcing you to do the one thing that you hate; talk. Every time you both answer honestly, you get to make a move. Move all the pieces back into place and Lucy starts up again.

Lucy: Warning. We seem to be caught in the rain's magnetic flux.
Dutch: Which means?
Lucy: We are being pulled into the event itself.

D'avin: I don't know what you heard Bellus.
Bellus: Everything.
D'avin: Then you know I would never hurt Dutch.
Bellus: But you did hurt her. So let's do this.
D'avin: Excuse me?
Bellus: You hurt my girl. I hurt you.
D'avin: I'm not going to fight you Bellus.
Bellus: One way or another we're gonna square this.
D'avin: Okay fine, one free shot. As hard as you want. Uh!

Company Sergeant: You're gonna want to stay down here, an extraction team is on the way.
John: Wait, if they see uniforms they'll start killing hostages.
Company Sergeant: Not your warrant, not your problem.
John: I gave my word. Let me go in there for you. I have a better shot at ending this without any more bloodshed.
Alvis: He's really good at fixing things.
Company Sergeant: Okay Killjoy bring us the crew, the claims and our guy alive. It's on you now. Thirty minutes or we storm the place.

D'avin: You need to stop being so polite. Yell at me. It's okay to be angry, to hate me. It's normal.
Dutch: Normal won't work here. That's why I'm angry. If anyone, if the real you hurt me or Johnny I know exactly what to do. I'd kill you. I'd mourn you and I'd move on, but this is so much messier than that. You're as much a victim as we are D'avin. So I don't get to hurt you. I don't get to hate you. And I don't know how to move on.

D'avin: You're right John we're broken, but now we know and we want to figure out what's next. So until then, I'm off the ship. Consolation prize?
John: Issue 41.
D'avin: John, I'm sorry I hurt you.
John: So you bought me a comic?
D'avin: It's Captain Apex, the one I lost.
John: You bought me a comic to apologize for stabbing me?
D'avin: No. No John, look I know I messed up in so many different ways.
John: No, you have no idea where you even began to mess up.

Killjoys Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

John: Hey guys, you're feeling adrift. Guess what? Me too. See, we've been through a lot, but right now we're a bit stuck. On the plus side, we've been through a lot and we'll get through this too. But first, you have to answer the big question. Are we a team?
Dutch: I'm gonna kill him. Sorry, bad choice of words.
D'avin: Nah.
John: So I'm forcing you to do the one thing that you hate; talk. Every time you both answer honestly, you get to make a move. Move all the pieces back into place and Lucy starts up again.

John: Hey hey, do exactly what I say we're in the line of fire.
Pree: What?
John: It's a Company flash. Those guys, they just hit an immigration center. Shot two guards and made off with a ton of seventh generation claim IDs.
Pree: Oh damn.
John: See that dude over there? He's Company. Get to cover before he does something stupid.
Pree: Too late.