He said, 'don't you know by now, that I don't take no for an answer?'


He slapped me, hard. I was stunned.


Benson: Two hours ago she filled her pockets with stones and walked into Prospect Park lake.
Munch: Who is she, Virginia Woolf?

Buchanan: I'll mark that down as a 'yes.' Which might be what Chief Patton did that night.
Barba: I object!

Oh you gotta be kidding me! That little bitch! Five years after the fact!

Chief Patton

Are you talking about Amanda Rollins? I didn't rape Rollins, or her, or any other of them!

Chief Patton

I would love to take a run at the renaissance man.


Falsely accused, life imitates art, I get it.


Whoa whoa I didn't witness a rape - it's okay Lydia.


That's when Skye came out.


Barba: Hold on, Madison's changed her story how many times now?
Carisi: Several.
Benson: A few! Girl was traumatized and under the influence.
Barba: Which also doesn't help.
Carisi: Yeah if I'm Russo lawyer, I'm going to paint her as a crazy fan, who admitted to using drugs and alcohol, who stalked him.
Barba: Save it for night school.

I didn't want Scott to know that I had cheated on him! I knew that he would never forgive me!


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
