Rollins: What am I doing? What was I thinking, having a baby on my own?
Sonny: Listen to me. I've been working with you over a year now and there's nothing you can't handle.

Pastor Eldon: So that's where you're going with this?
Fin: Any reason we shouldn't?
Eldon: Respect.

You tried to pin this on a boy? You should be ashamed of yourself.


I'm sorry, Mama. He told me that's what people in love do.


The priest I had growing up, he saved my life. But you only ever hear about the bad ones.


You do not get to say no to your husband.

Pastor Eldon

Mrs. Evans: Lily doesn't know any Diego.
Sonny: She does.

Rollins: You ever have a problem with Ken being gay?
Fin: Nah.
Rollins: Never?
Fin: Ok, I had to address it.

We got the guy, Dodds. In cases like this, that's as good as it ever gets.


I can't change the past. You have to fix it.


Proof. Finally.


Everybody knows everybody's business on City Island.


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
