Everybody knows everybody's business on City Island.


It's a long story and telling it now might hurt a lot of innocent people.


So we're looking for the illegitimate son of a dead man.


Robbie: I just want to sleep.
Sonny: You can sleep as soon as you tell us the truth.
Mike: Why don't you tell us, she got in the van?
Robbie: Okay. She got in the van.

You don't get to close your eyes just yet.


Robbie's struggled. If there's a smart way or a stupid way, Robbie does it the stupid way.

George Marino

I can't change the past. You have to fix it.


I am sorry that a girl is dead and if I could help you I would.


Is there anything I can tell the parents?


She said she wanted to go from a pool girl to a cool girl this year.


Acting out? That's not like our daughter.

Mr. Evans

My dad has a saying. Little kids you find, elderly you find, teenagers you solve.


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
