Beck: Let me ask you something, Detective Rollins. The man who put that baby in your belly... do you love him?
Benson: All right -
Rollins: No, it's okay. You know what? I don't know a whole lot about love but I do know that you are a con artist, a sex trafficker, and a murderer.

Rollins: Growing up, I had a TV in my room. Family Ties was my favorite. Alex P. I would turn the volume up as loud as I could to drown out the fighting and the screaming downstairs. We were not the Keatons.
Benson: No family is.
Rollins: My mom had this vase. He threw it at her and that was just before he beat the crap out of her. And I wasn't mad at him. I was so mad at her. How could she let him...? How?

Fin: Juries understand love triangles, Gina.
Gina: She was my serf.
Fin: What?
Gina: I was her Lord. She had to do whatever I wanted.
Fin: Or else what?
Gina: Or she wouldn't advance to the next level.

You two both had a tattoo, right? Under your arm. [Lifts witness' arm]. Looks more like a brand.


Carisi: Definite blood here. Bloody jeans too.
Fin: Guy would be off the hook if he would just do his laundry.

So what do we have on this guy besides a shaky alibi and revenge porn?


Brad: She said I was holding her back. She's a public school teacher, for God's sake.
Fin: And what are you doing, winning a Nobel Prize?

Carisi: Sign of the times, Rollins. You can always tell the state of a society by its bestsellers. In the 70s it was "Joy of Sex". 80s "How to Get Rich".
Rollins: And now it's all about female empowerment.

Woman: It's not her! It's not Abby.
Benson: Okay, do you know who she is? Could she have been staying with her?
Man: Abby knows lots of needy people.

Carisi: You okay?
Rollins: It's hormones. [drinks water] Whoever did this, it was personal. They cut a piece of her flesh out.

Rollins: I don't want any special treatment.
Benson: You are pregnant, Amanda.

An empowered woman can't live on cucumber water alone.


Law & Order: SVU Season 20 Episode 5 Quotes

Rollins: I don't want any special treatment.
Benson: You are pregnant, Amanda.

An empowered woman can't live on cucumber water alone.
