Carisi: Hey Lieutenant. Endless Truth just posted some new accusations.
Benson: Against who?
Carisi: You and Rollins. You gotta see this.
[Rollins and Benson look]
Benson: These pictures were taken yesterday.
Carisi: You notice anyone following you?
Benson: I wasn't looking.
Rollins: [reading] Detectives Benson and Rollins of SVU both have fatherless babies. Could this be what's behind the cover-up of the sex ring? A pound of flesh in exchange for their silence? What do you think?
Fin: I think this guy needs his computer shoved down his throat.

Duka: I need to protect my sources or I won't be able to continue my political and personal activities.
Attorney: Mr. Duka is hardly a journalist.

Benson: [reading] Thank you for exposing this evil. It has to be stopped.
Fin: Endless has to be stopped.
Benson: If idiots with guns are shooting up restaurants because of them, they do.

Congressman: If you could just send someone to the basement where this sex crime supposedly took place...
Olivia: Would anyone believe it?
Congressman: One would hope the NYPD is still a respected institution.
Olivia: One would hope.
Congressman: You investigate alleged sex crimes. This is an alleged sex crime.

Benson: Sergeant Tutuola. That's not so bad, right?
Fin: I hate tests.
Benson: Even when you pass.
Fin: I hate them a little less then.

Law & Order: SVU Season 18 Episode 17 Quotes

Congressman: If you could just send someone to the basement where this sex crime supposedly took place...
Olivia: Would anyone believe it?
Congressman: One would hope the NYPD is still a respected institution.
Olivia: One would hope.
Congressman: You investigate alleged sex crimes. This is an alleged sex crime.

Benson: Sergeant Tutuola. That's not so bad, right?
Fin: I hate tests.
Benson: Even when you pass.
Fin: I hate them a little less then.