Trask: That's Abby Clarke. Did something happen to her?
Sonny: She was sexually assaulted.
Trask: Oh my God. When?
Rollins: The night of your retreat. In fact, she said that it happened right here. Do you know anything about that?
Trask: No. I hope she's not saying that what we did was rape. We had sex.

Sonny: Why do I get the feeling that this guy's shoes cost more than my rent?
Fin: Cause they do. This guy comes from real money. His dad owns a hedge fund.

Man: My friends, we're here to take an amazing journey. One that will connect you to your deepest selves and to each other. And if you open your souls to it, tonight you will change your life.
Guy: Buckle your seatbelt.
Woman: Here's to nothing.
Guy: You mean here's to everything.

Carisi: Hey Lieutenant. Endless Truth just posted some new accusations.
Benson: Against who?
Carisi: You and Rollins. You gotta see this.
[Rollins and Benson look]
Benson: These pictures were taken yesterday.
Carisi: You notice anyone following you?
Benson: I wasn't looking.
Rollins: [reading] Detectives Benson and Rollins of SVU both have fatherless babies. Could this be what's behind the cover-up of the sex ring? A pound of flesh in exchange for their silence? What do you think?
Fin: I think this guy needs his computer shoved down his throat.

Duka: I need to protect my sources or I won't be able to continue my political and personal activities.
Attorney: Mr. Duka is hardly a journalist.

Benson: [reading] Thank you for exposing this evil. It has to be stopped.
Fin: Endless has to be stopped.
Benson: If idiots with guns are shooting up restaurants because of them, they do.

Congressman: If you could just send someone to the basement where this sex crime supposedly took place...
Olivia: Would anyone believe it?
Congressman: One would hope the NYPD is still a respected institution.
Olivia: One would hope.
Congressman: You investigate alleged sex crimes. This is an alleged sex crime.

Benson: Sergeant Tutuola. That's not so bad, right?
Fin: I hate tests.
Benson: Even when you pass.
Fin: I hate them a little less then.

The truth isn't important. What's important is what you can get people to believe.


Barba: Not the ruling I was looking for.
Benson: So where does that leave us?
Barba: Two witnesses.
Benson: Heidi Sorensen and George Thanos.
Barba: Yep.
Benson: Still think you can go ahead with the case?
Barba: If I'm willing to go out on a very high and very shaky limb.
Benson: Is that a yes?
Barba: Damn right it is.

Coyle: Any sexual assault claims are completely false and in my opinion defamatory.
Dodds: Are you threatening us?
Coyle: I'm just saying that we're in the business of finding things out. Like, who was responsible for Mike Dodds' death, and why was the investigation completed in less than 24 hours?
Dodds: Okay, we're done here. [stands] We'll keep investigating.
Coyle: So will we.

Dodds: Okay. We'll talk to him together.
Benson: You don't think I can handle him alone?
Dodds: I do. But I want Coyle to know how seriously the NYPD is taking this.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
