Marjorie: I don't know why Heidi would say something like that.
Benson: You think any woman would go public, be willing to risk that kind of humiliation, if it wasn't true?
Marjorie: Well, I don't believe it. It's not the Harold Coyle I know.

Dodds: We got a call down at 1PP from a Steve Turner. Said you're investigating Harold Coyle for assault.
Benson: It's preliminary.
Dodds: Who's the complainant?
Benson: It's very preliminary.
Dodds: So it's just as I thought. You're throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.
Barba: I hope you're not telling us to stay away from HNT.
Dodds: Of course not. I'm just saying, be very careful.
Benson: You sound like you're scared of them.
Dodds: A powerful organization that loves to go after law enforcement and goes after its enemies on Twitter? And it has friends in the current administration -
Benson: We understand that but -
Chief Dodds: Look, if you have reason to believe that someone at HNT is guilty of assault, of course you gotta go after them. Just make sure you have a damn good reason.

Turner: The real reason Heidi is having her breakdown is she's trying to renegotiate her contract and she's heard that Marjorie Evans is being groomed to replace her.
Fin: Groomed? By who?
Turner: This is a brutal business, especially for women.

Davina: It was like I was frozen. I couldn't move.
Heidi: Because you were being raped.
Harold: I can't imagine what it was like for you.
Heidi: Of course you didn't. Cause it never happened to you.

Barba: What I did was wrong, but I'd do it again. Not everything done in the dark is shameful.
Benson: So what happens next?
Barba: I have a meeting with the DA in five minutes. You know I love this job, I really do. But sometimes...
Benson: I know.

Fin: We know he hacked Bennett, then he blackmailed him.
Carisi: You think he blackmailed Barba too?
Fin: He was getting us a warrant, and then he didn't? I'm open to another explanation, but it makes sense.

Detective: Lieutenant, you outrank me, but you don't make friends at 1PP by unsolving homicides. As far as I'm concerned, this case is closed.
Benson: As far as I'm concerned, it's not.

No record of any calls between Jennifer and her sister after 10 PM. If she made plans with Laura, she did it by ESP.


Developer: I've already been visited by Brooklyn and Bronx detectives. I'll tell you what I told them. If some guy wants to use my app to stalk women, that's his problem.
Carisi: Guys use your app to stalk women?
Developer: That's not what it was designed for.

Benson: We think that the guy was someone we've been tracking. He's a serial rapist.
Lauren: Wait? Jen was raped? By that guy who kills people?
Benson: I'm so sorry.
Lauren: I don't understand. I thought that guy went after drunks outside bars. Jen wasn't like that.

Get all that evidence to the lab. Our perp's gotta screw up sometime.


Our app is a gamechanger. There's tons of information just sitting out there in cyberspace waiting to be discovered, used, and of course exploited.


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
