You were so brilliant and look what has happened to your mind


Fin: Come on Carisi, you can trust us.
Carisi: I do, but every time I go out on a limb for you guys, you saw it off.

Deputy Chief Garland: Until we have answers, let's keep this out of the press.
Benson: It may be too late for that. Another victim's been found.

Fin: What was she doing in New York?
Kat: Bachelorette party.
Fin: And her friends didn't report her missing?
Kat: Some friends.

Fin: She give you anything?
Rollins: She started going on about machine elves.
Fin: She's tripping out.
Rollins: Drugs or psychotic break or both.
Benson: [over radio]: I may have something.
[At grave site]
Fin: They buried her alive.
Rollins: They got her to do it. Told her to dig her own grave.
Fin: What the hell did they do to this girl?

Thank you Mr. Dominique. I know what the Chinese proverbs say, but you save me twice now. You can rest.

Mei Mei

I have helped hundreds, thousands of girls to escape. But in my zeal to help others go down the Golden Path, my own path has deviated, and for this I must atone.


Rollins: Mei Mei said he was a Sunday regular. Let Mama-Son open shop and see if we can catch him.
Benson: It's worth a shot but is this guy really going to talk?
Fin: A piece of crap like that? He'll flip on her to save his own ass.

Fin: Condoms, lube. There are so many massage parlors. What's the point?
Park: We're looking for the beast with nine eyes.
Fin: Come on, man. You know the johns won't talk, the girls won't talk...

Evelyn Lee: No speak English.
Benson: Stop. You've been here 11 years and this is your tenth arrest, so I'm not buying it.

You're not in trouble, but I have to ask. Do any of the girls ever have to give anything extra, like sex?


You save a life, you're responsible for that life.


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
